Priyaa is no more

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  Vatsala was about to collapse but Abhimanyu caught her both of them sat down together after looking to the arena he too gasped.

All others rushed to the chamber in hurry together. Subhadra fainted on Arjuna. Pandavas stood motionless. Pandavapatnis broke down. Pandavputras stood with their jaws open. Even Viraat and Sudheshna were in tears looking at Vatsala who sat their with no motion. 

" aaa " Uttara screamed with closing her eyes. The scene infront of them was heart wrenching one.

Priyaa's lifeless body was lying on the bed in pool of blood. Her head was laying on the ground right infront of Abhimanyu and Vatsala with half opened mouth and eyes.

Just a few hours before she was playing in their arms but now she was lying on the bed headless and motionless.

Before any one could find out Lakshman kumar crossed the borders in a hurry and headed towards Hastinapur.

Krishna and Draupadi entered the chamber. Draupadi too collapse but caught by Sahadev. Krishna stood with streams of tears.

Bheem moved forward sat on his knee beside Priyaa's head. He hands was shaking. With that shaky hand he picked it up and moved towards her body and kept it in its place.

" It's a dream right ?? It cannot be true" Abhimanyu tried to pacify himself but vain.

Vatsala got up and moved to Krishna.
She was moving her hands in order to say something but she couldn't.

" she..i..s sleeping right" Vatsala's stammered. Krishna was silent.

" why are you silent?? speak out " Vatsala shouted.

" why it happened ??? my Priya.... " She stared to shake his shoulder and sank into his feets her tears were washing his feets.

Prativindya moved towards Abhimanyu and touched his shoulder.

" bhrathaasri my putri ... m..y ...p..riya" Abhimanyu was sobbing. He buried his face in his chest. 

Subhadra gained her consciousness.

" priyaa grandma here open your putri please..... Bhrathaasri do something " Subhadra cried.

Krishna sat down and wiped Vatsala's tears.

" accept the destiny vatsu " He said.

" priyaa cannot leave me never " she ran towards the bed but looking at the condition of her only child she fainted. Suthanu caught her.

Yudhistira and Devika made their heart a bit strong. They both moved forward and picked up both the pieces in there hands. Viraat orderd the daasis to removed the bloody cloth and clean. All dasis were crying while they cleaned it.

Devika and Yudhistira washed the baby with tears. They wraped and tied it securely making sure that the detached head won't fall.

Abhimanyu took her.

" priyaa please don't leave your pita like this he loves you a lot call me pita again only once just once pr..iyaa priyaaaaaa hha...haaa " Abhimanyu cried his heart out as he clutched her to his heart.

Arjun and Subhadra were completely broken looking at their son's condition.

" let's performe further rituals Samraat " Viraat said.

Vatsala woke up. All necessary arrangements were done to cremate the child.

Vatsala looked at them, Yudhistira was about to place the child in it. Vatsala rushed to him and grabed the child and pushed him back.

" What are you doing mamashree?? It is very hard also very sharp it will hurt my daughter also if I would not came here you would have burnt my kid alive. She is just sleeping haa " Vatsala spoke like innocent child.

" jiji it won't hurts her please give her away " Uttara tried to pacify her.

" no Uttara she is alive ha " Vatsala was not ready to accept the loss of her only child.

Abhimanyu is not in a state of doing something he was standing in the support of Sutsom. Karenumati and Vijaya was consoling Draupadi and Devika and Valandharaa were with Suthanu. Krishna was with Subhadra standing near Shivling.

Arjun came to Vatsala. She hid her child away from him as she was thinking that he would grab her baby.

" Vatsu look at me , yes of course she is alive but Mahadev is having some important work with her and also she is going to the heaven now she sitting there and watching you dear she won't like her mother to cry hmm give her to me " Arjun took her and gave to bheem and took Vatsala to Krishna.

Vatsala was weeping badly. Krishna hugged her.

" don't cry dear vatsu she will never leave you and go to any where she is inside you my dear " Krishna said with tears.

Prathivindya helped Abhimanyu to grab handful of soil. With a heavy heart Abhimanyu dropped that soil to his daughter's grave and rest dropped the soil after him.

Krishna closed Vatsala's eyes in order to prevent her from witnessing the heart wrenching sight for a mother.

But she removed his hands and looked at those people who were concealing Priyaa's body with sand.

"no.....priyaa " she screamed and rushed towards her but Arjun and Subhadra caught her.

Now Priyaa is completely immersed in the womb of earth. Abhimanyu was weeping hardly that any stoned heart person could melt looking at him.

Vatsala freed herself from them and turned towards Shivling.

" Mahadev what is this ?? what mistake have I done ?? why did you seperated my child from me ?? am I that much big sinner ?? what you have done today was not at all right you have to be punished I won't leabe you " Saying this she looked arround and found an axe near the tree.

She suddenly took it and raised it in air.

" I won't leave you " She was about to crash the shivling with it but Krishna stopped and Arjun grabbed the axe from her and Subhadra pulled her into her embrace.

" bua he took my putri away from me" she cried in her arms.

Arjun started crying badly now and Krishna embraced him tightly.

Kamyaka forest

" my heart is restless mourvi I cannot wait I am going to meet Abhi Vatsu now and I can't wait to see my putri " Ghatothkach said as he got up to leave.

" Ha arya we will also come with you let's go and they are in Matsya desh. " Maurvi said and they both headed to Matsya desh.

How was the chapter friends.........hope it was good

what happens next???

what will be Ghatothkach's reaction over priyaa end ????

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now