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Chapter 186 Arriving at the Borders

“What?” Feng Xiao Qi’s foxy eyes widened, gaping at Yue Bai Lan with shock, suspecting he misheard.

Yue Bai Lian still wore a demure smile as she said earnestly, to Feng Xiao Qi “Fourth wangye didn’t mishear. This princess wishes to become fourth wangye’s wangfei, or side consort is fine too. Is fourth wangye agreeable?”

Feng Xiao Qi studied Yue Bai Lian carefully. The superficial gentleness has dispersed from his face, revealing a sharpness as he stared at Yue Bai Lan, as if he wanted to see into Yue Bai Lian’s heart, to see what exactly this noble and beautiful woman was shining, but after a while, Feng Xiao Wi still didn’t understand what Yue Bai Lan wanted to do.

“Benwang doesn’t believe Princess Bai Lan is in love with this one, and doesn’t Princess Bai Lian like Nian’er meimei?” Feng Xiao Qi asked straightforwardly, even frankly pointing out her feelings, without an hint of awkwardness.

Yue Bai Lian’s face stiffened for a moment. She wasn’t afraid of Feng Xiao Qi knowing she liked Lan You Nian. She had never felt ashamed of her feelings.

“Yes, this princess’s feelings hasn’t changed. This princess confesses to liking Nian’er, or perhaps even deeper than like. I love her!” Yue Bai Lian smiled; then, she lifted her eyes to gaze at Feng Xia Qi, saying “Doesn’t fourth wangye like Nian’er?”

Feng Xia Qi’s entire body stiffened. He personally believed he hid his feelings very well. At the very least, most of the people by his side wasn’t aware of his feelings. He didn’t expect the woman in front of him to see through him.

“Nian’er is benwang’s younger sister, of course benwang likes her!” Feng Xia Qi was only startled for a moment. If one didn’t pay attention, they wouldn’t notice. He didn’t want to place Lan You Nian in an awkward position because he liked her.

Yue Bai Lian felt more admiration for Feng Xia Qi, seeing him like this. This man was the same as her. Even though they both loved Lan You Nian, they didn’t have any desire to steal her away, only silently protect her, behind the scenes. Such a person wouldn’t have any conflict of interest with her.

“This princess doesn’t have any other intention. This princess saw very clearly fourth wangye’s emotions and actions. If you don’t like Nian’er, why were you so worried? Even if it’s a little sister, isn’t fourth wangye’s worry a little too over the top?” Yue Bai Lian forged on aggressively.

Feng Xia Qi remained silent. At the scene of the fire, when he saw Lan You Nian was safe and sound, he couldn’t hold back his turbulent emotions, so he embraced Lan You Nian. It seems his actions were seen through by this Yue Bai Lian, but so what? He Feng Xia Qi has never thought of doing anything to Lan You Nian. His conscious is clear.

Seeing Feng Xia Qi’s eyes were sharp but was silent, Yue Bai Lian went straight to the point, “This princess requires a candidate for the marriage alliance, but this princess only loves Nian’er. Since fourth wangye likes Nian’er too, I want to marry fourth wangye, only hoping to find a place to settle down, to be able to help Nian’er should she need it, in the future, to watch over her!”

Feng Xia Qi’s eyes recovered some degrees of warmth. He didn’t expect Yue Bai Lian’s thoughts to be the same as his, only asking to quietly protect the one they love. Once he rose to the throne, he will require a wife, but he had no other thoughts towards other women; however, this Yue Bai Lian was different. If the two of them were together, whether it was for the imperial court or for himself, it was the best choice. He and Yue Bai Lian could protect Nian’er meimei, in the future, to protect his younger brother’s and Nian’er meimei’s love.
“Has Princess Bai Lian thought it over?” Feng Xia Qi still appeared as handsome as he usually did, elegant as bamboo, his eyes were extremely gentle. One could very easily see he was exceptionally cultured, as if no matter what was said to him, he would never get angry, making people couldn’t help but want to approach him, but his eyes were filled with seriousness. This wasn’t a mariage alliance but a solemn vow betwen the two.

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