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166 Eating Vinegar
“You’ve followed me for so long, aren’t you going to come out, Hua empire’s crown prince?” In the depths of Lan You Nian’s limpid eyes harbored a chill that penetrated the bones. Her voice was luke-warm and clear. From the moment they departed the visitor’s palace, Lan You Nian became aware of someone tailing them. However, that person didn’t make a move. She guessed this person was probably Hua Xiu Yi.

“Tsk tsk tsk, Miss Lan is indeed smart!  You guessed it was this crown prince!” Hua Xiu Yi walked out from a corner, gazing at the girl who was different from all the others.  She wore a faint white beizi, fastened to the bottom half was moonlight white brocade skirt embroidered with flowers, with a light blue long-sleeved jacket thrown on over it.  A head of raven black hair that fell to her waist casually scattered behind her.  There was any accompanying accessories, her face was all-natural facing the heavens, but it was just like this, it gave off a feeling of being carved by nature, a natural beauty of hibiscus rising out of clear water.  Hua Xiu Yi had to admit Lan You Nian was the most beautiful female he’s ever met.  She was also the one female who he felt was most unusual.

“Can I ask why Crown Prince Hua has followed me all this way for?” Lan You Nian asked, her voice was leisurely without any warmth.  Lan Qu and Lan Wu, the two of them, both anxiously watched Hua Xiu Yi afraid Hua Xiu Yi will suddenly make a move to hurt Lan You Nian.

Hua Xiu Yi didn’t know himself why he followed Lan You Nian.  He was just in the palace idling away his time when he heard his subordinate say she came over to the palace.  He saw Lan You Nian enter Yue Bai Lian’s courtyard, then the for the first time, he waited for a woman, then he saw Lan You Nian walk out.  Without thinking, he followed, even he felt incomprehensible.  This wasn’t his style of doing things.

Lan You Nian asked her question but didn’t receive an answer from Hua Xiu Yi.  She scrutinized him strangely.  Lan You Nian had to admit Hua Xiu Yi was handsome.  Hua Xiu Yi’s eyes at this moment didn’t have any sinful charm or wild unrestraint, lofty like a noble young master.  The young master was like jade, virtuous without any flaws, exhausting time and all prosperity, even his gait was the world’s most beautiful ink wash painting.  Lan You Nian only caught a glimpse of this before Hua Xiu Yi recovered that ambiguous look.

“Miss Lan is not only a little beauty, but even your handmaidens is also a clever one?” Hua Xiu Yi deliberately didn’t answer Lan You Nian’s question, instead, he was looking at the handmaidens who were vigilantly watching him with interest.

Lan You Nian blocked Lan Qu and Lan Wu behind her.  Not that she was afraid Hua Xiu Yi would be interested in Lan Wu and Lan Qu, despite Hua Xiu Yi this person was unpredictable but Lan You Nian had to admit Hua Xiu Yi was much better than those disgusting worms, but all the same, she held in distaste.

“Speaking of beauty, who can compare to Crown Prince Hua you?” Lan You Nian said sincerely to Hua Yiu Yi.

People all know that Crown Prince Hua’s appearance was even more beautiful than a woman’s but his means were savage like that of a demon’s.  If someone dared to say Crown Prince Hua’s face was beautiful, there was no one person who was alive.  Ever since, no one dared to mention this in front of Crown Prince Hua.

Lan Qu and Lan Wu’s breathing suddenly stopped.  They were both aware of the rumors about Crown Prince Hua, thinking that there will probably be a terrible fight for young miss.  What they must do is protect themselves and not hinder young miss.  If young miss was in danger, they will fight tooth and nail for young miss’s safety.

Hua Xiu Yi’s eyes that were more seductive than a woman’s flashed forbiddingly, his gaze on Lan You Nian harbored a piercing killing intent.  No one dared to say he had a beautiful face in front of him.  Even if there was, they were no longer alive in this world.

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