Chapter 13 Part 2

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Sweet precious blood, dripping from my wrist. Sweet precious blood, this story has a twist. I know I cut myself a little bit deeper than I should have, but I have to cut more. I turn on my shower, and undress myself. Once I get in, I sit down and take the razor and press it down as hard as I can on my leg. Then, I close my eyes and as hard as I can I move it across my leg. I then pull the razor away from my leg, open my eyes and see blood running down my leg. It isn't enough to kill me, but it is a lot of blood. I then make the water in the shower hot and put my bloody leg under the water. It burns, but the burning sensation feels good. I keep my leg under the hot water until the bleeding stops. Then, after ten minutes of sitting in the shower with my bloody leg, I wash my hair and body. After making myself clean so my parents don't find out I cut myself, I step out of the shower and dry myself off. Once I'm dried off, I put on clothes and then go back into my room. I go straight to my dresser and take a chest off of it. I then sit on my bed and begin rummaging through it. Once I find what I'm looking for, I take it out. It's concealer, to hide the cut on my wrist. It might seem like it won't work, but it has before. I put a decent amount on my wrist and then add some to the rest of my arm so it isn't that noticeable. After that, I add on my bracelets and grab my phone.

I check to see I have quite a few text messages. One is from Snake. It says call me, so I do. I dial his number and hear the phone beginning to ring. It only takes two rings and then he answers.

"Hey beautiful." He says in a sexy voice.

"Hey babe." I say back in the same type of voice.

"I was just wondering if maybe you want to go and get something to eat later for lunch."

"Yeah, sure. Where are we gonna eat?"

"I'll let you decide on that one. I'll get you at noon."

"Alright cool. Well, I gotta go and get ready now."

"Alright beautiful, I love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

"Bye." With that he hung up the phone. Once I hung up, I threw my phone onto my bed and began jumping up and down with excitement. I've never even had a guy being that sweet to me before, and if someone was before they only were trying to use me. For once, someone actually cares and wants me for me. With this thought in my head, however, it makes me feel so bad for what I did.

I go into the bathroom and begin to curl my hair to put it in a fancy bun with two curls left down, one on each side of my face. It takes about fifteen minutes, but after I'm done I instantly put make-up on. I put on dark grey eye shadow, black eye liner, mascara, concealer, a little bit of blush, glitter around my eyes, and lip gloss. After applying make-up, I go back into my room and go straight to my closet. I go through all of my clothes until I find a strapless black dress that goes a little bit above my knee. After I put the dress on, I straighten it out and then look at my shoes. I put on a pair of black two-inch high-heels, with straps on them that go around my feet. Once I get my high-heels on, I get nail polish and paint my finger nails and toe nails black. After I paint them black, I let them dry and then spray on lavender perfume. Then, after spraying the perfume, I go to my jewelry box and grab some fancy silver bracelets to put on. I have to hide the cut to make sure that no one sees it. I then grab my small black clutch purse, place money and my phone in it, and then walk down the steps.

Once I get down the steps, I sit down and wait. I have five more minutes for him to come. I check my phone and begin texting people as I wait when my dad comes into the living room.

"Planning to go somewhere fancy?" He asks me in a suspicious voice.

"Yeah, I have a lunch date with my boyfriend."

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