Chapter 46

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10:30 am- January 30th- Saturday- Harry's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

I'm currently trying to fight Leon and make him give me control back because I really want to cuddle Draco but he's being mean.


I'm not being mean! You always get to be with our mate, now it's my turn!

'We are in the middle of important stuff Leon! You can cuddle with him later!'

Fine! Only because I don't like that Granger girl and I'm about to rip her throat out of she doesn't stop her sobbing. Literally she's the definition of an ugly crier.

I snorted and looked at Hermione as she was balling her eyes out with snot and drool rolling down her chin. Eww.

I then felt the familiar push into my body as I took control and my wings retreated.

'Thanks Leon, I love youuuuu'.

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I love you too, moron.

Hehe.... he definitely hates me right now.

Just then the floo roared to life and a calm Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace. He looked over at everyone his eyes lingering on me wrapped around Draco as if curious to why I looked like a koala stuck to a tree.

"Headmaster! It was all Granger! She forced me with uh... b-blackmail! That's it!" Parkinson said standing up and wiping her puffy face. I could practically feel the eye rolling going around the room as the floo once again was heard but this time a blonde Hufflepuff stepped out.

"Please calm down Miss Parkinson. I am not going to listen to excuses or the truth. I am simply going to look into your memory. Now would you please come with me to my office. If you try to get out of this I will assume the worst and have you both expelled for attempted murder and harm of another student." Dumbledore said keeping his cool while both the girls sunk into themselves. I shuddered and buried my face in Draco's shoulder. He can be scary when he has to be. It's probably just because they tried to kill "the savior of the Wizarding Worlds child" I thought rolling my eyes.

"Now that I say it out loud... that sounds pretty serious. We might have to pay a visit to the ministry. Anyway please follow me ladies." Dumbledore said walking to the door. Parkinson went to tell him it's locked but he simply opened the door and walked out. The girls stared in disbelief but quickly followed him shutting the door behind them.

"When did you unlock the door?" Conner asked Remus.

"I didn't." Remus said chuckling.

That's when Sirius let out one last bark and his body shifted back to a humans.

"Welcome back." Remus said rolling his eyes. Sirius let out a nervous chuckle before leaning into his husband.

"Sorry about that. I didn't remember till the last minute that I'm wanted and I didn't have time to hide." he said while giving Remus a kiss on the cheek.

"It's fine. It was quite funny to see you jumping on Severus though". Draco chuckled causing his chest to bounce up and down moving me a little bit. I grabbed on tighter so I wouldn't fall and he must've noticed because he sat down on the couch and moved me to his lap. I didn't let go once he just makes me so happy.

Oi, Harry. The ugly criers are gone. Can I cuddle Draco now?

I sighed but let Leon have control as our wings came out once again. They were getting in the way of cuddling Draco so Leon pressed them against our back but cuddled into Draco even further. Draco noticed the change and smiled while petting our feathers. He started softly purring as Draco left a bunch of kisses on our face.

~My Mate~ ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora