Chapter 22

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Harry's POV
Italics = Ryker
Italic Underlined = Leon

"Anywayyyy I'm Ron Bilius Weasley." Ron said changing the subject and Antonio just nodded his head. I'm assuming they talked yesterday because he seemed to already know Ron and Blaise were dating.

"Charlie Septimus Weasley". Antonio waved and looked at Molly.

"Molly Audrey Weasley. You can call me Molly". He smiled at her earning a smile back.

"Or Mrs. Weasley." the twins said in unison.

"Boys!" she yelled sending a glare.

"Sorry Mrs. Weas- I mean Mum. Sorry, kinda a habit." Fred said while shrugging. George started laughing but was soon shut up when Conner put his hand over George's mouth and looked up at Molly with a small smile.

"Sorry Molly." he apologized for them.

"You are such a keeper Conner. I can't even imagine why you would want those two out of everyone." she said while playfully shaking her head.

"Hey! That's rude!" George shouted from behind Conner's hand making it come out muffled.

"Move along boys. Antonio is waiting." she sneered. They both shut up and Conner took his hand off George's mouth to let him speak.

"I am George Gabe Weasley, twin to Fred Kirsten Weasley." George said while pointing at a very annoyed Fred.

"I think I can introduce myself, Georgie." Fred said while rolling his eyes and pouting. Antonio laughed and said a quick hi.

"I'm Conner Fay Spring." Conner said while smiling. Antonio said a quick hello and turned towards the middle of the table.

"I've already talked to Bill a lot. And I know Dakota so moving on. How did you two get away from your parents?" Antonio asked cocking his head to the side.

"Ex parents actually." Draco said with a grin. Antonio's eyes went wide.

"No way, did you get kicked out or did you finally leave?" he asked curiously. This time Blaise answered.

"Remember how you had to take lessons about creatures before you left?" Blaise asked. Antonio nodded.

"Well I'm actually a submissive Veela. Same with Harry". Blaise sheepishly smiled. Antonio's mouth flew open.

"So you guys are mates?" he asked. We nodded our heads as everyone else just listened to the story.

"Anyway, getting back on track. When Mr. Zabini found out I was gay he disowned me and changed my name to Reed. I didn't know what else to do so I flew to the Malfoy Manor. Everything was fine when I got there but... I'll let Draco continue." Blaise said. Antonio shifted his gaze to Draco.

"The next morning I went to talk to Lucius. We ended up getting into a disagreement because of my muggle clothing. I raised my voice on accident and he started punching me. Blaise then ran out of the room after being woken up by the shouting. Lucius noticed his change in appearance and assumed we were "together" he kicked me out and I got Narcissa's maiden name, Black." Draco finished while taking a deep shaky breath. Antonio just stared at them.

"Damn, what about your Mom's. They always seemed like they cared a little." he asked. Draco took the lead again and started talking.

"Narcissa ran off with a muggle and... let's just say Mrs. Zabini knows how to put up acts when she needs to." Draco said. Blaise nodded before going back to his breakfast.

"Well I'm glad you guys are happy now! Can I ask what your Veela's names are?" he said while looking between me and Blaise. I nodded before standing up. I figured I could just let Leon out. I felt him take control and look around.

"Hello everyone," Leon then noticed Antonio "you must be Antonio. I am Leon, Harry's Veela".

Before he could keep talking he was cut off with another voice.

"Hello Antonio, I'm Ryker. I am Blaise's Veela. Oh hello Leon". Leon turned to face his friend and waved. I was still hungry so I took control back. It's very dangerous to shift when you haven't eaten and stayed hydrated. When I took control back I wobbled a bit until I found my way to my seat. I started eating while Ryker and Antonio talked.

"Hey are you ok? You look like your about to pass out." I looked up to see a blurry figure above me. I could tell it was Draco, but I couldn't really see him. I closed my eyes a few times until my vision got better.

"I'm all good, thanks." I replied while kissing his cheek. I started to eat again. Then I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked down and seen Draco's hand rubbing reassuring circles on my thigh. I tried to hold in a moan as I suddenly got really horny.

We should mate.

'Gosh you are so impatient. I swear if you give me a boner I will never let you out again.'

Wow ok... goodbye then.

I felt a little bad as I didn't hear his voice anymore but he would blow my cover if I didn't. I turned to Draco and smiled. He smiled back before bending down to whisper in my ear.

"I will trust what you say, but you can always tell me if something is up". He then squeezed my thigh and I nodded my head. Damn it I'm hard. I turned back to my food. I looked back up to join the conversation. Blaise was back and he was talking to Ron.

"Hey Antonio, do you remember Sev?" I turned my head after hearing Draco's voice. He was looking at Antonio so I did the same. Antonio looked in thought, but then his face lit up.

"Sev the emo! Merlin I remember him. He was the best! Is he still around?". I giggled at how excited he was and the little nickname he gave him.

We had informed everyone at the house of Snape's true personality and he started yelling at us a lot less in class. Sometimes he would even visit us at the RoR. Bill, Fred, and George were super surprised at first. Conner and Charlie just laughed.

"Yeah he teaches at Hogwarts. I was thinking about sending him a letter. Do you want to write to him?" then he turned to Molly, "Can we borrow an owl?".

"Of course. You can borrow mine. It's in my room. His name is Cedar, and while your writing... why don't you invite Severus over for Christmas." Molly said with a smile. George choked and Bill shuddered. Draco laughed and nodded his head.

"Ok, thank you". We then carried on with breakfast, but I had made secret plans after breakfast. Let's just say when Draco thought he was being a sweet boyfriend and comforting me he was actually turning me on. I'm gonna make a risky move I just hope he feels the same...

As soon as I seen Draco take his last bite I stood up. I surprised a lot of people and excused myself. I didn't say anything knowing Draco would get worried... that's what I wanted. I went up to our bedroom and brushed my teeth.

I then sat on the bed after taking the chocker, bracelets, and flannel off. Five minutes later Draco burst in and closed the door locking it. He ran over to me and took my face in his hands.

"What's wrong, Harry? You left so quickly. I was really worried, but I didn't want to look clingy". I laughed and hugged him.

"I'm fine... I just had to get you alone." as I said this Draco's face went red. I grabbed his shirt and pushed him on the bed. I straddled him after putting up a silencing charm.

"Do you want to?" I asked hoping he wasn't uncomfortable. He nodded and started taking off his shirt. I smiled and helped him. I ran my hands up his chest as I connected our lips. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and started exploring. I moaned into his mouth. As he ran his hands up my shirt lifting it over my head. I then moved away from his lips and lifted myself off the bed.

~My Mate~ ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora