Chapter 8

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11:30 am- December 22nd- Tuesday- Draco's POV

It's been a rather uneventful year at Hogwarts so far. Harry, Ron, Blaise, and I are heading to the Burrow for the Christmas Holiday at the moment. Anyways let me fill you in on what's been happening.

For starters Ginny and Luna got together a few weeks ago. Everyone was really happy for her... but now she seems to be drifting away from everyone. We're all really worried, especially Ron.

Luna even came up to us once and told us that Ginny started acting more cold whenever she talked about us. We don't know how we can talk to her about it though as she basically avoids us.

The two bullies, Theo Nott and Jake Rein, that Harry beat up have actually been bullying Blaise and I since 3rd year because of our "death eater" families. After we told Dumbledore about this he was quick to expel them. It felt nice being cared for even though he probably only did it because we are important to Harry.

Them being expelled meant we wouldn't be bullied anymore so I'm pretty happy about that. They were the reasons Blaise and I had been getting more anxious. They use to corner us and beat us up in deserted hallways, in the dorms, even after classes if the teacher left the classroom before we did.

I never let it get to me. I just let them physically hurt me because I'm not very strong, but Blaise let it get to him mentally as well. He use to be the stronger of us two, I suppose with Ryker he still is, but because of constantly getting beat at home or when our parents visited we were both weaker then our usual strength.

Anyways Granger and Parkinson are still "dating". Ron and I still don't trust them though. I don't think we ever will. There's just no way Hermione could go from breaking down in a train compartment to perfectly fine in one day. I mean she got her heart broken! If Harry was dating someone else I would be devastated.

As for our relationships... well we're all going really strong. I'm so happy to have found Harry. And even Ron! As a friend of course. Their both so different from what I was raised to believe.

One thing that is weird though is Harry's attitude. He's been getting more affectionate and dare I say... lustful? I think Leon wants him to mate soon. I learned about this but I'm still to embarrassed to ask him about it. I don't think Ron or Blaise have talked about it either.

Anyway we are sitting in a compartment, just the four of us.  Harry and I are holding hands with his head on my shoulder talking to Blaise. Blaise is on Ron's lap as he plays with Blaise's hair.

"Why don't we play something?" Blaise says suddenly gaining everyone's attentions.

"Why don't we play Never Have I Ever?" Harry pipes in. Blaise squeals and slides off Ron's lap.

"What's that?" Blaise asks sounding excited. Harry then starts to explain the game.

"Well someone asks something like.. never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex. If you have you would raise your hand. If you haven't then you just keep your hand down". It sounded easy so I decided I would play. As long as I win.

"Well I don't really care, but sure." I say. Ron just nods his head. After seeing Ron nod Blaise asks the first question.

"Never have I ever... found a professor... hot." he says glancing around. I slowly raise my hand as Ron does the same. Harry and Blaise chuckle and quickly say "who?".

"This will probably be weird for you Harry, but Lupin isn't that bad looking even if he's like a godfather to you." Ron says. Harry gags but I just nod my head as that was who I was thinking as well. Harry facepalms making everyone chuckle.

"Not you too." he says looking at me. I smile and kiss his forehead.

"Sorry Harry, who's next?" I say. Harry then sits back up straight.

"My turn!" he starts, "never have I ever.. casted a cleaning charm because I was too lazy to take a shower." he finishes. Everyone raises a hand and chuckles. I'm not surprised. Lucius would kill me if he saw this.

"I guess I'll go. Never have I ever snuck into a common room of a different house." I say not expecting anyone to put their hands up as it's against the rules. To my surprise Harry and Ron look at each other before slowly putting their hands up. Of course when have they ever listened to the rules.

"When have you guys been into a different common room? We don't even use the common rooms anymore!?." I say surprised. Harry then let's a dry laugh out and Ron starts talking.

"Well actually... it was in 2nd year". He starts rubbing the back of his neck before continuing.

"Do you remember this, Draco." he says making me look directly at him before imitating my voice.

"I didn't know you could read". My eyes went wide. Didn't I say that to Goyle? He had reading glasses on and I genuinely didn't know he could read. How would Ron know though. To be honest I never saw him with glasses ever again... wait... were those Harry's glasses? Was that really them all along? Is that why they ran off? Were they using polyjuice potion? But why? I have so many questions.

"So Crabbe and Goyle... that was actually you? What were you guys doing?" I asked astonished.

"Well it was back when we thought that you might have been the heir to Slytherin and we figured since you were a pureblood and a very proud Slytherin that maybe you would know something so we took some of Crabbe and Goyle's hair and made polyjuice potions." Harry said with a sheepish smile. I looked down at him eyes wide. Should I be mad at them? I feel like I should, but I'm really not. Plus it was in the past, 4 years ago if I'm correct.

"It's ok I guess. I'm not sure whether to be creeped out by the fact that you drank Crabbe and Goyle's hair or the fact that you were stalking me." I said while nudging Harry gently. He let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot. I chuckled at how worried he was. Then to change the subject Ron started the game back up.

"Ok my turn now, never have I ever had sex". Everyone's, minus Ron's, eyes shot open, but no one raised there hands. We all kinda knew that something would probably happen over Christmas as we had all been together for a few months now and Leon and Ryker were getting impatient.

Harry's pounced on me many times already. Sometimes even Leon loses his self restraint and starts making out with me. Usually it's in the bedroom or out in living room so we're normally alone, but he did it once during a quidditch match... that we were playing in. I blushed thinking about it.

We were both going after the golden snitch because I had spotted it near the left side of the field. Harry noticed that I had noticed and followed right behind me. I'm pretty sure he wasn't going at full speed but I ended up grabbing the snitch first. Once I sped to a stop and held it out Harry came down next to me.

He congratulated me and then all of a sudden he jumped on my broom and started kissing me. I was very surprised along with everyone else in the crowd watching.

Harry and I never publicly came out but we didn't hide anything, you know? Anyway after he got done viciously attacking my lips for a good minute he leaned back smiling. It was very cute yet embarrassing at the same time.

We then went down to the bottom of the pitch and started celebrating with everyone else, after we got Harry's broom which he let drop after jumping on to mine. He's lucky it didn't break.

That night was really exhausting though. Let's just say that it was full of a bunch of questions and congratulations. Mostly questions though.

"My turn again, never have I ever had a wet dream about my boyfriend." Harry said. I had never had one too graphic. My dreams are normally filled with me being abused by Lucius or me and Harry cuddling. Nothing to bad.

I looked around to see Harry and Blaise had their hands up. They both chuckled and looked at each other. Must be a Veela thing. My eyes then widened in realization.

Holy shit Harry had a wet dream about me! I then looked over at him as his cheeks were bright red. I looked over and seen Ron smirking at Blaise. I chuckled then leaned down to Harry's ear.

"You'll have to tell me, or better yet maybe you can show me what your dream was about when we get back to the Burrow." I whisper. I lean back and see that Harry's face became a shade of crimson red as he processed what I said.....

~My Mate~ ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang