Chapter 6

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My savior. Harry. Well, it wasn't Harry. And it wasn't just a shriek. It was Leon, and it was a mating call. He was calling for Draco. And with one crazy mate came the other. Ron.

12:49 pm- August 8th- Monday- Harry's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

Molly wanted to catch up with Percy and as he went upstairs a few minutes ago she asked me to get him. I said yes of course and started making my way to the stairs before Draco stopped me.

"If you need anything just shout for me, ok?" I rolled my eyes at how protective he was and nodded my head before starting up the stairs.

Our mate is the best. He's worried about us.

I could practically feel Leon glowing from inside my head. God this is weird.

'You need to chill out, anyone and everyone say that to their mate.'

I got to Percy's room, which he used to share with Charlie, on the second floor and knocked three times. After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to go in myself.

I opened the door and stepped inside he wasn't anywhere to be seen, in fact, it doesn't even look like he's been in here since he's got here. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong so I quickly bound up the stairs and threw open Ginny's door. Empty. I kept going till I got to the twins' room. I opened it slowly and looked around. Nope. This means he's in one of our rooms... why tho- shit. BLAISE!

What's going on? Why are we panicking?

'Leon you might need to take control in a minute. Don't hesitate to call Draco.'

I heard Leon chirp his understanding.

I started sprinting up the stairs not thinking about anything else I was ready to call for help if I needed to but I was really hoping I didn't. That dirty bastard! I swear if he has his hands on Blaise I will send him to Azkaban myself. I finally reached the top of the stairs and bounded for Ron and Blaise's door. I opened it slowly in case Blaise was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him.

As soon as it opened though I was met with a crying almost naked Blaise and a perverted Percy staring at him like he was a piece of meat. I let Leon take control instantly and he called for Draco.

He flew straight to Percy grabbed his throat and threw him off of Blaise. Percy tried to reach for his wand but Leon snapped it and threw it in his face.

I knew Ron and Draco would be here soon so I took control back, still keeping my guard up, but running over to Blaise eyeing Percy the whole time making sure he didn't move.

I'm sorry I attacked but I couldn't wait for someone else to come.

'It's fine Leon you did the right thing. I would have done the same thing. Thank you.'

I hear Leon start singing and block out the noise turning back to the matter at hand.

I quickly started undoing the handcuffs as they were really cheap ones the whole time Blaise was whimpering and I wanted to hug him and comfort him so bad, but I didn't want to scare him so I kept my distance.

As soon as I got the handcuffs off Draco and Ron busted into the room breathing really hard. They looked between Blaise and Percy as I pull a blanket around Blaise's body.

"What happened Harry?" Ron asked rushing over to Blaise after seeing he had been crying. I growled then pointed at Percy.

"This bastard was trying to rape Blaise when I came to check on him". Blaise started shaking and I stepped away to try and let Ron calm him down.

~My Mate~ ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora