Chapter 15

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"Good night everyone, thank you for the game." Conner said while trying to keep the twins apart. I stood up after Blaise got off my lap.

"I guess we'll see you all tomorrow." Bill said heading out the door.

"Have a good night." Charlie said heading out right after Bill.

"Good luck with Draco, mate." I said as Blaise and I started towards the door.

"Good night, and thanks." Harry said while getting up. We closed the door and headed across the hall to our room. Before we could get inside we heard Harry shout.

"Draco?! When did you get to the bed". We both laughed as we walked inside. Seems Harry was the only one who didn't notice Draco crawl from the bathroom to the bed like a fucking spider.... I hate spiders.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. Blaise doesn't like sleeping with the door unlocked, it doesn't bother me. If anything it makes me sleep easier to, knowing that Blaise is and feels a little safer.

We both went to our drawers. I pulled off my jeans as he got out my favorite sweatshirt.

"Baby can I sleep in your sweatshirt." he asked looking up to me. I smiled at him and kissed his nose. He sleeps in them every night but he always asks me first.

"Of course, love. You know you don't have to ask." I said back to him. He nodded and started taking off his clothes. I watched him as he pulled off his pants and shirt leaving him in his boxers.

He noticed me staring and immediately blushed while turning around. I chuckled and started taking my clothes off. I continued to pull off my jeans and slipped my sweatpants on. I took off my shirt and started walking to the bathroom.

I started brushing my teeth as Blaise walked in with only my sweatshirt and boxers on. He stood beside me and started brushing his hair out. After he was done he put on his face mask and turned to me holding one up.

He always makes me put these on because apparently they will make my skin better. I know not to go against him so I just do what he says. I finish brushing my teeth and put my face mask on. He starts on his teeth as I brush my hair, which he also makes me do. Apparently you'll get knots in your hair if you don't.

Once we finished and took off our face masks we walked back out to bed. We crawled in together and I opened my arms for him. He jumped into me and snuggled close. He's the cutest thing ever.

"Good night, Blaise." I said in a whisper. He kissed my chest before looking up at me.

"Good night, Ron. Oh and don't think I forgot about what you said in the game." He said putting his head back down on my chest and falling asleep. What is he talking about?

I thought back through the night until I thought about the question George asked me. Oh shit. I could feel my face heat up. I totally forgot about that. I rest my head back on my pillow and started stroking Blaise's head. With that I fell asleep.

12:03 pm- December 23rd- Wednesday-Blaise's POV

I opened my eyes and was met with bright red hair. Whenever I can't see Ron's face I start to freak out. I can tell that it's him because I know his body, but I always want to make sure. I may be paranoid, but no one blames me... well they don't to my face anyway.

"R-Ron? Is that you." I say rubbing my eyes. There is then a slight shuffle and I see Ron turn around. He smiled at me before kissing my cheek.

"G'morning Blaise. How did you sleep? Do you got a headache?" He said while sitting up. I sit up beside him before sliding out of bed.

~My Mate~ ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora