Chapter 42

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2:10 pm- January 16th- Saturday- Ron's POV

I look at the place Blaise just was and just stare. Bloody hell. I'm such a screw up. I throw my body on the couch and start sulking.

"Boyfriends are so hard to deal with." Draco mumbles from the couch opposite me.

"You know you could just get up and get your own medicine." I say completely ignoring what he said. Once I say this he stands up.

"Weasel". I look up at him and scoff.

"I didn't even do anyth-" before I could finish my sentence I look up at the ceiling and scream bloody murder 100x over. Like the strongest silencing charm couldn't handle this.

Draco jumps at the sound and shouts almost as loud while throwing his hands up to his ears.


Not even seconds later Harry and Blaise come flying downstairs like torpedos.

"WHAT'S WRONG!?" Harry yells immediately surrounding his wings around a very confused Draco.

Blaise then flys to me and grabs my arm.

"What happened, Ron?" he asks calmly. My face heats up with embarrassment as I see everyone else run down the stairs with their wands out ready to duel.

"Oops..." I whisper. Blaise then steps away and crosses his arms.

"What do you mean "oops?". He says with a glare.

I then point up to the ceiling where I saw the spider crawling around. He follows my finger and when he sees the spider his shoulders relax but his face scrunches up.

"Merlin... it was just a spider you guys." he says drawing his wings back as Harry does the same.

Then to my surprise he wraps his arms around my body.

"You scared the shit outta me." he scolds while simultaneously smacking me on the head. I ignore the smack and hug him back.

"I'm sorry... for now and earlier. I didn't know you felt that way. I'll try to be a better boyfriend mi amore." I say adding the nickname at the end hoping he'll forgive me.

"I forgive you, but I'm also sorry. I didn't mean to freak out like that. Harry and I talked about it and I may have overreacted." Blaise chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's ok. You have every right to, I kinda acted like an ass..." I whispered.


"Ok so what I did was totally uncalled for, but I won't do it again!" I pleaded rubbing his back.

"Sureeeee." he rolled his eyes while saying this but still sent me a smile.

"I love youuuuu." I whined rubbing our noses together. He chuckled and sent me a quick kiss.

"I love you too, Ronald." he teased. I chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. He smiled through the kiss and I felt the bond tightening. He ran his hands through my hair and I started biting his lips a little causing him to open his mouth. I was about to slide my tongue in when I heard a cough.

"You know, I'm happy y'all are alright but I don't really want to see that." Harry said in Draco's arms.

"Now let's get you some pills." Harry said pulling Draco away to the kitchen as Draco gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled and wrap my arms around Blaise squishing him into my arms. He groaned but didn't try to move.

We sat like that for awhile just whispering loving words to each other. I moved my hand up his shirt and started rubbing the side of his stomach.

"Can we go cuddle?" he whispered in my neck. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Sure, love. Let's go to bed." I replied while grabbing his hand. I led him upstairs in a matter of seconds.

We got to the room and he walked to the bed while I locked the door. I got in the bed next to him and grabbed his hand rubbing my thumb on his knuckles.

"How do you wanna do this?" I whispered while kissing his knuckles.

"I don't care. Can you just hold me?" he asked with a blush. I chuckled and nodded my head before he flipped over facing away from me.

I grabbed his hips and pulled him back to me. I wrapped my arms around him from the back. I rested my chin on his shoulder turning slightly so that my mouth was by his neck.

"Is this good, mi amore." I whispered in his neck. I felt him squirm around me and placed small kisses on his neck.

"Mhm... th-thanks". I chuckled at his sudden shyness and slithered my hands up his shirt. I felt his breath hitch and just rubbed up and down on his stomach.

"Babeeeeee what are you doing... that tickles." he said burying his face in the pillows.

"Sorry, your reactions are just so cute." I smiled in his neck. I then stopped moving my hands and just left them on his stomach.

"Are you gonna move your hands?" he asked in a shy voice.

"Hmm... I don't think I will. It's warm." I said nipping at his neck.

"F-fine... I'm napping though." he pouted.

"Ok, have a good nap, mi amore." I teased while rubbing my nose on his neck. I saw him smile and squeezed him tighter to my chest.

Just as I was about to close my eyes there was a knock on the door. I groaned but rolled over and opened the door.

"What do you want?" I sneered at the two identical boys in front of me.

"Whoaaaaa, don't gotta be so harsh spider boy." Fred said snickering. I facepalmed myself before going to close the door on their faces.

"Wait! Mum wanted to know if you and Blaise wanted breakfast?" George asked while stopping the door from closing.

"Not right now... we're napping. Wake us up if something important happens." I mutter while turning around. They shrug before walking across to Harry and Draco's room. I close the door and lock it once more. I then walk back to the bed and start cuddling a now sleeping Blaise. I spoon him from behind while softly kissing his shoulder.

"Stoppppp. Let me sleep..." Blaise whined with a groggy voice. I chuckle and give him one last kiss before closing my eyes and letting sleep takeover.

10:03 pm- January 29th- Friday- Conner's POV
Surprise!!! -also sorry in advance 🥺.

It's my birthday today! Well I basically already celebrated it with everyone earlier. I turned 18 today, I'm finally an adult!

First I woke up to a letter from my parents and some muggle candy that I had asked for because I hadn't had any in forever. Then Draco, Harry, Blaise, Ron, and I all celebrated by hanging out whenever we didn't have classes. I got a bunch of presents from back at the Burrow and the twins are coming later tonight to hang out with me.

Right now I'm alone in the Hufflepuff boys' dormitory. I'm sitting in my pajamas basically just waiting for the twins. Everyone knows I'm dating them so whoever's in the common room usually just lets them in and they come up here.

Just then the door creaks open and I look up smiling, hoping to see Fred and George. It was only a fellow Hufflepuff though. His name is Kenneth Mango, I think. He's in my year.

"Hello, Spring." he says with no kindness in his voice. I look up shocked because I don't think I've ever been mean to him.

"Oh uhm... hello." I smile trying to be polite.

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