Chapter 25

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"What should I write?" I asked while looking back at them. Draco started talking and I copied his words down on the sheet. Antonio added a few parts and I did as well. Soon it was done and we were all grinning at it. It read:

Dear Emo Sev,

It's your favorites, Blaise and Draco. Also we've added someone else to the Burrow, everyone is joking about how the Burrow is becoming an Orphanage. Anyway Antonio came back from Italy! He's staying with us right now. It's a miracle he found us though. We can't say much about it, but you can't tell anyone that he is here. We can explain more later when we all see each other and we can explain how we got here as well as we never really did in full detail while at Hogwarts. Theres to many people around. Speaking of, Molly wants to invite you over for Christmas. This is her owl by the way, Cedar. So reply back as soon as you can and we can work out the details. You might have to sleep on the couch though. Nio wants to write you something. He said he apologizes if it's sloppy.
- Hey Sevvy I haven't seen you in forever. Life's pretty messed up right now. Well it was. I think I met someone I like. Just my luck he has a kid and just got out of a marriage. Dakota, his kid, is so adorable though I could never hate him. Anyway I'm so excited to see you. I really hope you can make it for Christmas. I have so much I want to talk to you about. -Antonio Lee

Dray, Blaise, and Nio.

It's a pretty long letter but I wanted to give Nio as much space as I could. I read his part of the letter and smiled when I seen he was talking about Bill. I then wrapped it up and put a string around it. I looked at Cedar and pet him real quick before tying the letter to his claw. I looked at him and spoke up.

"Take this to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When you get there deliver this letter to Severus Snape, no one else". He gave a quick chirp before heading off. I smiled and turned to Molly.

"Wow Molly, Cedar is a really good owl, how long have you had him?" I asked genuinely curious as to how his manners were so good. He didn't even put up a fight or anything. She smiled and looked as if she was resurfacing old memories.

"We're not sure how old exactly but I'd say about 5-6. Arthur and I rescued him in the woods one day after a hiking date. We don't know what was happening but he was bleeding out on the floor. We took him and healed him. We were planning on letting him go free as he looked to be 1 yr old max, but he didn't want to leave us so now he serves as our owl. I think he's doing it for saving his life". I smile at the story and laughed a little towards the end. That's a remarkable owl.

"That was very kind of you Molly." Draco said from behind the chair. She had a pink tint on her cheeks and she chuckled and shooed us away. We couldn't help but laugh as well as we walked toward the door. We left her room and closed the door. I looked at the two and seen they were looking around also.

"So what are you guys planning to do now?" I asked looking between the two. Draco grinned and Nio shrugged.

"I'll probably try to get Harry to have sex with me again." he said leaning back against the wall. Antonio gasped and hit him upside the head. I stifled my laughter as Draco rubbed his head.

"You are nasty." I said to him. He laughed and we all started up the stairs. I then turned to Antonio and decided to catch him off guard.

"So Nio, who's top?" once I said this his face heated up and he ran ahead of us. I tried to call to him but he flipped me off. I laughed as he ran to Bill's room... and his now I guess.

Draco and I started up the stairs once more together. I was humming till Draco leaned over at me.

"Nio's top". I looked at him wide eyed.

"Really?! How do you know?" I asked suspicious.

"Harry and I went to wake them up and Bill was resting his head on Nio's chest. Also when the two got up Antonio was flirting the whole time and Bills face was super red. If he were a top he would have flirted back". I nodded at that but I was still surprised. I didn't think Bill would ever be a bottom. Besides Nio, Bill's like the tallest one here. Well I guess that makes sense now that I thought about it.

What makes sense?

'Just thinking about Nio and Bill's relationship. What have you been doing?' I asked as I hadn't heard from him in awhile.

I'm trying to give you space, that's all.

'Ryker... it wasn't your fault. You warned me'.

Yet I was sleeping when you needed me the most.

'But you also warned me about that too.' I argued. I felt him sigh before saying a quick ok.

You should go now. Our mate is waiting.

I looked around and seen we were on the last floor. I said good bye to Draco and we split ways. I went to me and Ron's room and threw the door open. I walked in, closed the door, and locked the door. Ron looked up at me from the bed and grinned. I smiled back and practically flew over to him.

"Hey baby," he chuckled as I nuzzled into his neck, "how'd it go?" he asked. I sighed and gripped him tighter.

"It went well, but I just want to cuddle for right now." I said while closing my eyes. I felt him nod and pull me so I was more laying down right on top of him. My head was still on his neck but now more towards his collarbone. Our legs were entwined and my hands were wrapped around his chest.

A few hours later Molly called us down for dinner. I was a little nervous because I wanted to know if Conner was ok. Ron and I headed down there together. When we got there the food was already set out. We took our seats and waited for the last three people. Fred, George, and Conner. No one had seen them since the scream. I don't think most people knew about it though because me, Nio, and Bill never told anyone.

Just then the twins came into view behind them came a puffy eyed Conner. He must've been crying. As soon as he turned the corner he scanned the room. I seen him look towards the back of the kitchen.

His eyes locked on something and he screamed. I think everyone jumped at the shrill noise. The twins quickly turned around and brought him in a hug. He started sobbing in their arms and I quickly looked to the kitchen... nothing was there.

6:38 pm- December 24th- Thursday- Draco's POV

Harry and I don't arrived at dinner only minutes after Molly called. We were very tired after our "activity" this morning so we couldn't wait to eat. We got there as Molly was putting bowls down everywhere. I smiled as she put mine down and she smiled back.

Once she finished Ron and Blaise came around the corner. Ron licked his lips at the food while Blaise was looking quite anxious. I was excited because now we just have to wait for the twins and Conner.

I heard footsteps and assumed they were coming. I didn't bother looking up. After a few seconds I heard a scream. It was so loud I jumped out of my seat a little.

I spun my head around and seen a sobbing Conner in Fred and George's arms. Molly quickly stood up and walked straight to them. They started talking quietly.

Everyone sat in silence just looking at each other worry on everyone's face. Blaise had his head down on the table. He then looked up at Bill.

"This is way worse then I thought." he whispered. Bill nodded and buried his face in his hands. I was very confused but figured I wouldn't ask yet, plus Ron beat me to it.

"What happened?" Ron asked worried. Blaise looked at him and frowned.

"I think Conner should explain when he's ready". Bill and Nio nodded. I then turned to the small group standing up and seen that Conner had mostly calmed down.

I couldn't see very well because they had turned him away from the kitchen area but he didn't look like he was crying anymore. Then almost on cue they all started walking to their seats.

Conner sat on George's lap while Fred moved over a chair and sat in Conner's chair. I then got a chance to look at him.

~My Mate~ ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang