Chapter 41

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**************** 1 HOUR LATER*****************

I walked into the Burrow pissed off as I had been flying around on my wings for a whole hour! Ryker said he'd warning me but of course he was too busy flying and forgot.

'Tsk such a lame excuse.'

I'm sorry, ok! I get excited when we go out flying!

I rolled my eyes and looked around. I walked into the living room and seen Harry sitting on a couch drinking a cup of... tea? Well that's what it smells like. Draco was still asleep next to him.

"Good morning, Harry." I whispered while waving to get his attention. He looked up at me surprised but then smiled back.

"Good morning! I didn't know anyone else was up. Why were you outside?" he asked keeping his voice down.

"Oh me and Ryker were out flying." I shrugged and he nodded. The conversation was cut off as we heard rushed footsteps down the stairwell. I turned just in time to see a very tense Ron with the worst bed head I've ever seen. He quickly searched the room before he saw me near the doorway. His whole body relaxed as he walked over to me totally ignoring Harry.

He wrapped me in a hug surprising me as he buried his head in my neck.

"I didn't know where you went and I got really worried for a second." he mumbled into my neck. I chuckled and started to rub his back as he just kept holding me.

"Well isn't that adorable," I looked past Ron and seen the one and only Draco slowly pulling himself off the couch while shielding his eyes from whatever light he saw... granted all the curtains were closed and no lights were on. "Bloody hell did you put the sun in your hair or something, Ron. Why's your hair so bright!" he whined.

"That's what you get for drinking so much!" Harry snapped at him not even being cautious of his voice. Draco quickly covered his ears and pouted at Harry.

"I'm sorry, baby. Could you get me some medicine?" he asked leaning in to give Harry a kiss while me and Ron just stood there looking amused.

"Don't "baby" me!" Harry said while covering his mouth with his hand causing Draco to kiss his hand, "You should've listened to your boyfriend instead of letting Ron get to your head, again! I've said it once before, but I'm not as nice as Blaise. You figure this out." and with that Harry stood up and marched upstairs with his tea.

Draco sat there looking dumbfounded and then ultimately flopped back down on the couch groaning.

"Well isn't that lovely. I can't tell if it's the pregnancy or if you actually got him pissed. Anyway good luck with that!" Ron said while reaching for my hand. Draco sat up ready to say something but I beat him to it as I quickly swatted Ron's hand away causing his eyes to go wide.

"Harry's right. This is the second time I've let things slide with you. I had to haul your drunk, heavy ass up those stairs last night and I didn't even get a thanks. Also Dray is still my best friend and your the one who started everything. I'm going upstairs to cool down. Don't follow me." I said getting angrier as I think about it. I left quickly walking upstairs right past a wide eyed Draco.

... why did you yell at our mate?

'It doesn't matter, just give me some time to myself please'.

Ok... bye.

I started walking up the stairs and it didn't take long for me to realize that we just fought. Over what? Did I just overreact... I need time to think and I won't be able to do that with Ron. Maybe I should talk to Harry about it.

I make it to the top and instead of walking to my room I walk across the hall knocking on Harry's door. At first he groans and then yells.

"Go away, Draco. I'm still not in the mood to talk to you".

"Actually, Harry. It's me, Blaise?" I say sounding unsure if he'd want to see anyone right now.

I hear a gasp and footsteps as the door flys open.

"I'm so sorry I thought you were Draco. Why are you up here though?" he asked.

"It's fine and well... I thought about what you said and you were right. I ended up yelling at Ron and I don't know if he's mad at me or not. I guess you could say we're fighting, but he didn't say anything back I left before he could... I'm scared Harry". I feel tears run down my cheeks as he looks at me sympathetically. He pulls me inside and wraps me in a hug.

We stand there for awhile just hugging... and crying.

"How does the bond feel right now?" Harry said out of the blue.

That's when I remembered the bond and all the pain I had been ignoring washed over me.

"It hurts. There's so much sadness." I replied. He nodded and then looked at me.

"If he's also sad then that means he regrets what happened and he doesn't want to be fighting either. Plus is there any anger in the bond?".

I think about it but all I can feel is an overwhelming amount of sadness.

"No... no anger." I whisper. He then smiles and releases me from the hug.

"So he's not angry! Problem solved!" Harry cheered, making me smile.

"Ya I guess your right. Thanks, Harry".

"No problem".

Now to go talk to him. I went to say goodbye to Harry but before I could I heard a loud scream. It sounded like Ron.

"HOLY SHIT." I heard Draco shout right after the scream.

I busted out the door Harry soon came behind me. Both of us grew are wings and started flying at lightning speed down the stairs.

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