Chapter 26

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  Draco's POV

His eyes were puffy and full of sadness, anger, but mostly he looked scared. He leaned his head back on George's shoulder before whispering something in his ear. He didn't move his head back up after he stopped talking though he just laid there with his eyes closed.

"Conner said he didn't want to ruin anyone's appetite if it's not ruined already. He said he would explain after everyone's finished eating." George said out loud. Everyone nodded not saying a word.

Fred turned to them both and they all started conversing. Mostly Fred and George. I looked around and noticed people had started eating so I followed suit. I seen Ron trying to feed a very sick looking Blaise. Everyone else was just so dull when they were eating.

I looked around and seen Fred feeding George and Conner whenever he would eat, which wasn't much. After maybe 30 minutes everyone's plates were empty and on the counter. Conner refused to go in the kitchen but Molly happily took his and the twins plates.

It took another 5 minutes before he actually looked up from George's neck. He took a deep breath before straightening himself out on George's lap.

"I-I'm really sorry about earlier. I was just caught off guard". Conner started. He looked at George and Fred and they gave him a reassuring nod.

He gave a half smile and started talking again, "Anyway earlier today I was napping alone. This hasn't happened in awhile but the d-demon showed up again." he said while wincing.

Fred and George were trying to comfort him but he still looked scared. He then stood up and walked behind the chair, "This time though the demon hurt me." everyone gasped as Conner took his shirt off. On his back was a huge bruise covering maybe half of his back. He then put his shirt back on and walked back to George.

"Your doing really good baby..." I heard George whisper. Conner smiled a little before continuing.

"What happened was the demon was just standing in the corner of the room walking closer... I started getting anxious and then it flipped me over and started beating into my back... I don't know how long it was happening but it finally stopped when there was a knock on the door." after Conner said this I heard a gasp from Blaise and he threw his head up off the table. Conner smiled at him and continued.

"The demon threw me off the bed onto the floor and started walking to the door. I didn't want whoever was out there to get hurt so I just kept trying to scream or wake up or anything, but it wasn't working. Then the demon stopped out of no where and disappeared. That's when I screamed and was able to move again. Blaise came running in first so I'm assuming he was the one who knocked on the door." Conner looked at Blaise and he nodded wiping his eyes that had formed tears.

"I don't know how long it was willing to hurt me, but you helped a lot you could've possibly saved my life, so thank you Blaise". After saying this Blaise broke down into tears once more. Ron quickly scooped him up into his lap and started swaying back and forth. Conner smiled and continued the story... well more like nightmare.

"I've mostly been with Fred and George all day and I haven't seen him y-yet, b-but now I s-seen him a-again..." Conner started stuttering again and shaking. George quickly kissed his temple and grabbed his hand. I think Fred had his hand on his leg or something because it was out of my view. I was gonna ask where he seen him at but Conner answered.

"I-it's in the k-kitchen". He said making my heart drop. He pointed at a corner by the kitchen knives. I'm not gonna lie that's really creepy. Conner broke down in sobs again and quickly looked away back into George's shoulder. Molly then spoke up.

"We need to find someone who can stop this! Your not even asleep right now! This is getting way past sleep paralysis... I know you tried to already and it hasn't worked, but you can't live like this!" she raised her voice as anger took over. Charlie sighed and grabbed his mother's hand reassuringly. She looked over at him and her face softened.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get loud". Conner shook his head.

"It's fine, I agree. I just don't know who or how we will find them." Conner said voice shaking, I then looked over at Blaise and seen that he had calmed down. This time Arthur spoke up.

"Someone at the ministry had sleeping problems. I'm not sure why because we didn't get into much detail but he told me that the witch he worked with dealt with all types of different sleep problems. I could ask him, but I'm seeing him tomorrow so it'll have to wait". Conner sighed and nodded.

"Yes, that's fine.. thank you." Conner said while looking around the table. He smiled at everyone then stood up the twins following closely behind.

"I'm sorry for bringing this down on you. I'll put up a silencing charm just in case I scream tonight". Once he said that he glanced over to the kitchen and let out a sigh of relief. George then grabbed his hand and gave him a questioning look.

"He's gone..." Conner whispered while leaning into George. Fred and George both smiled. Fred waved goodbye as he picked Conner up bridal style and walked out of the kitchen. George went up to Molly once more and they started talking. Arthur joined them shortly after.

Blaise went up to Nio and Bill, who had Dakota on his lap. For a three year old he's taking this pretty well. I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't know what's going on or if he's just too tired to care.

Anyways Ron followed Blaise so I took Harry's hand and motioned for the stairs. He nodded and we said our goodnights.

We walked in a comfortable silence all the way to the last floor. We hurriedly walked inside the room. I turned to Harry as he locked the door.

"That was something..." I said almost in a whisper. He nodded and shook his head playfully.

"So much shit goes down at dinner. Yours and Blaise's past, Antonio's past, Conner's demon, and then all the pranks that the twins have pulled during dinner time." Harry chuckled.

I let out a snort as well as I started to undress. I took off my clothes leaving me in my boxers. I walked to the bathroom and did my nightly routine. Once I was done I walked back out to the room. I got in our bed as Harry went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later he came out only in his boxers as well. I smirked at him as I scanned his body up and down.

"Harry can you come here?" I asked trying to sound innocent. He looked confused but nodded making his way over to me. He sat next to me and looked at me.

I swiftly put my hands under his ass and lifted him so he was straddling me. He yelped and quickly grabbed my shoulders to steady himself. I laughed as his face heated up. I started kissing his neck and his jaw as he let out little moans.

"D-Draco can we... mmm.. go to sleep... for now?" he asked while trying to keep his moans in check. I smiled at him and nodded. I knew he was tired I just wanted to cuddle before he fell asleep.

I let him slide off me before he got under the covers. I quickly jumped up and jogged to the light switch flicking it off. Harry made a noise of satisfactory as I made my way back.

Once I got in the bed Harry pushed his back to my chest and grabbed my arm. He pulled it around himself so I was spooning him. I laughed at his actions and tightened my hold on him from behind. I buried my face in the nape of his neck and closed my eyes. I kissed him softly on his neck.

"Good night kitten, I love you". I sensed his happiness from the bond that I was still getting used to and smiled myself.

"Good night Draco, I love you too!" Harry answered back cheerfully. I laughed and closed my eyes.

This has been worth all of the pain and torture I have been through my whole life. The verbal abuse, the abandonment, the physical punches, and the curses thrown at me, even my near death experience when Blaise broke his wing... it's all been worth it. I've met the love of my life and he's led me to a new family and a bunch of new friends. I will never get enough of this new life, and I never want to.

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