Meeting At Last And A Deal

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At her house Scootaloo and her friends had a sleepover which cheered her up after feeling depress that Rainbow Dash never cared about her at all. After a fun time eating pizza and having fun the three girls had fallen asleep however scootaloo was a light sleeper than her friends so she was the only one to hear a crash outside.

She check the window seeing smoke in the woods and decided to investigate alone, so getting dress she headed outside and follow the source of the smoking grab a large bat nearby to protect herself with in case she ran into any trouble

It was a good thing too as she bump into a bunch of bug pokemon of beedrills who own the wood section she was going into forcing her to hit them with her bat to keep them at bay. After avoiding the beedrills scootaloo made it to the source of the crash to discover a ship pod of some sort that made a crater in the ground. 

Checking it a bit more she was shock to see a pikachu inside seem to be pass out and despite remembering her parents and aunts telling her not to touch animals that are wild and having to avoid beedrills to get here, Her heart was telling her to save the electric mouse so listening to her heart she open the pod to pick not only him up but the infobot as well as she feels it was important

Turning around she headed back to her house but got lost and ended up near sci twilights ship instead shrugging a bit she place pikachu down a bit and uncover twilight's ship despite knowing she'll be in trouble for sneaking out and messing with twilights work it was worth it saving a pokemon's life. As she check out the ship more the pikachu that she had save had begin to regain consciousness looking around his area in confusion and seeing the infobot next to him he sigh in relief that it was alright

Checking around he notice scootaloo near the ship and decided to go on up and talk to her hoping she'll know where he is. He approach but ended up being so quiet she had no idea he was there as she read the instructions on the ship

Pikachu: "interesting!" that sudden voice causing scootaloo to jump and fall over turning around to see pikachu there "You're quite handy with your ship" this confuse scootaloo then she realize he mistaken the ship for hers but instead of being honest she played it cool and lied

Scootaloo: (proudly) "uh yeah its mine all mine i built this beauty by myself" she felt bad for lying deep down but wanted to look impressive in front of this pokemon "so uh why were you in that pod?"

Pikachu: (remembering his mission) "Hmmm... currently I am in search of a dragon pokemon who could be of assistance in saving the solar system and world. Do you know where I might find the dragon pokemon name salamence on this planet uh called?"

Scootaloo: "Well, this is a planet call Veldin and actually other than a tv show he stars in no sadly" Pikachu look disappointed "Hey, what's with all this save the solar system stuff anyway?" Pikachu activated the infobot to play a message showing a garchomp on cast

Garchomp: "Hello, citizens of-"

On-screen (all caps): "Novalis"

Garchomp: "My race of dragons, have a small problem. Our planet has become so polluted, overpopulated, and poisonous, that we are no longer able to dwell here, but I, Garchomp, have a solution. We are constructing a pristine new world using the choices of planetary components available. So, what does this mean to you, you might ask? Using highly sophisticated technology, which you couldn't possibly understand, we will be extracting a large portion of your planet and adding it to our new one. Unfortunately, this change in mass will cause your planet to spin out of control and drift into the sun where it will explode into a flaming ball of gas, but, of course, sacrifices must be made. Thank you for your cooperation."

Director: "Cut!" however the director forgot to turn off the camera

Garchomp: "And if you don't like it, you can take your whiny, sniveling, snot nosed populations, form a line behind me and kiss my-" he is inform of the camera still on "We're still on? Well turn it off, you idiot!" the video message ended

Scootaloo: "The people on those planets are hosed! Well, good luck getting Salamence to help you."

Pikachu: "Actually, you could help me. If you could use your ship to take me to the coordinates contained in this infobot, I might be able to gather further information there." scootaloo gulp nervously as it really wasn't her ship but the temptation of exploring the space got the best of her

Scootaloo: "Even if I wanted to, I can't! I'm missing a crucial component of the ship." in her though she knew it wasn't her ship either

Pikachu: "An Electric Companion!"

Scootaloo: (shock) "How did you know that?"

Pikachu: "I, ma'm, happen to be A electric type pokemon. My powers allows me to start any ship I choose to fuel it with endless fuel."

Scootaloo: "So, if I agree to take you to this wherever it is, and you get my ship started for me?"

Pikachu: "That is what I'm proposing." the thought of exploring the worlds got her excited even when she remember she promise to take her friends with her she just couldn't wait anymore

Scootaloo: "Deal!" they enter the ship and luckily scootaloo manage to fly the ship into space having putted on a space suit to protect herself they took off with scootaloo deep down knowing the kind of trouble she'll be facing in space

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nitendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

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