Quartu Part 2

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Upon arriving back on Planet Quartu Scootaloo and Shocker went behind a rock as they saw the entrance to the factory was guarded by a tyrantrum so they decided use the hologuise to disguise scootaloo as a dragonair to sneak into the factory

They enter the factory and fooling the over dragons into thinking scootaloo was a dragon too as she slithers through the place avoiding the other dragons that might think shes not a dragonair as she and shocker sneaked through the area

Eventually the duo stumbled upon a torture area that look abandon, taking advantage of its empty state scootaloo turn off the hologuise and the two search around the area in hopes of finding something that'll help them out

Pretty soon they heard some coughing and groaning as they follow that noise that seem to be getting closer by the minute, they then heard the groaning even louder which Shocker seem to recognize

Shocker: "Mom?" He rush on through with Scootaloo right behind them as they follow towards the source

But when they found Shocker's Mother they were horrified to see her on the ground cover in cuts and blood on the down dripping from her body, her tail was cut off and her right eyes been stab badly she looks like shes on the verge of death

Shocker quickly ran over to his mothers side crying a bit over seeing his mother suffering like this as scootaloo cover her mouth with tears pouring from her eyes Shocker barely show some life into her body a bit

Shocker's Mom: (cough up blood) "Pikachu dear i'm so glad your alright" She cough louder "after i sent you to get help they torture me for doing so and then left me here to died" she vomit a bit "which won't be long"

Shocker: (crying) "Mother please hang in there!!! things will get better" *sniff* "i did try to get salamence's help but he betray us all so i founded scootaloo here, she gave me the name shocker and shes now our only hope now i promise things will be back to normal just hang on!!!"

Shocker's Mom: (coughs some more) "oh sweetheart i don't think i'll be there to see things back to normal" she turn to scootaloo "thanks for watching my son, Shocker for me promise to take him in your family for me" Scootaloo wipe her tears from her face and nodded as the dying riachu turn to shocker "here i save this infobot for you guys activate it and stop garchomp for me"

Shocker: "i'll try to make you proud mom i promise you that!!!!"

Shocker's Mom: "you already have" she then pass out dead onto the ground which made Shocker burst into tears as Scootaloo patted him gently only the loss for his mother as she notice the switch for the factory nearby and grab shocker and pull the switch

The factory turn off and the collars keeping the yellow rodents in line turn off and fell off their necks allowing the slaves to escape and go into hiding as the dragons panic and ran around unable to see in the dark room as Scootaoo and Shocker sneak off towards their ship and entered it 

Before Scootaloo could activate the ship she notice Shocker who stopped crying and was looking down sad over his mom's death as scootaloo decided to confort him

Scootaloo: "hey shocker i'm sorry for your loss"

Shocker: (sigh) "its okay scootaloo i was fearing her death before we met i just never thought i was gonna be able to talk with her one last" he sigh a bit as he remember his mother giving them a infobot "here lets just see what this infobot says"

The infobot activated and to the shock of the heroes it shows garchomp right next to a sign saying Welcome to Canterlot City as he change it to Our new Home

 Garchomp: "My fellow dragons, our synthetic world is now fully functional and ready for habitation. However, there is one small obstacle in our way - this pathetic lump of a planet." he show a image of planet Veldin with a label destroy on it "Due to some blunder of fate, it happens to occupy the Galaxy's most perfect orbit. But no more! Behold, the Deplanetizer, the most powerful laser ever created! Soon we will move the Deplanetizer into place, just above the planet's surface. I will of course be on hand to press the button that will blow this mudball to smithereens! No one will even miss it! See you then!"

Once the infobot ended Scootaloo began shaking with rage over seeing her home and her planet has been plan on being destroy as Shocker look at her in concern

Shocker: "uh scootaloo are you okay?"

Scootaloo: "He. Is Going. to Pay!"

Shocker: "Excuse me?"

Scootaloo: "it shouldn't of took me long enough to see it with my own eyes ugh Garchomp is gonna be sorry for messing with me like this!!" She then notice Shocker wasn't crying anymore but was smiling "why are you so happy all of the sudden?"

Shocker: "cause this is the Scootaloo i knew that was there, plus mom would want me to focus on whats important right now hmmm according to this infobot garchomp has a fleet plus a giant ship transporting the deplanetizer"

Scootaloo: "cool maybe wghile we are there we can find more up there now come on" she activated the ship and they were off more determine to stop garchomp than before

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nitendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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