Oh What Have I Done?

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As the ship was almost finish being made and despite helping it be made Rainbow Dash was forced to stay behind due to having been found out that she hurt scootaloo's feelings with her hurtful comments.After having enough with everyone and that mainly goes to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, She ran off and now lays near a tree looking guilty and confuse over what had happen and that scootaloo is in space they seem like tha are blaming her for that happening

Rainbow Dash: (muttering to herself) "why are they mad at me for scootaloo being up in space sure i said things behind her back but its not like i drag her to twilight's ship with her kicking and screaming and force the ship to take off with her in it. It was her fault alone for taking the ship at all with that pikachu creature or not"

To take her mind off the stuff that happen she dash off to her house and enter her inside notcing her parents aren't arouns she enter her room sitting down on her bed to take her mind off of whats going on. Then she notice a book with a picture of her and scootaloo together she pull it out and check it up close and saw it was a memory book of her and scoots

Rainbow Dash: "i can't believe i kept this despite me lying about taking her up in my wing heh wonder whats in here again" she open it to see photos of her and scootaloo together one that had her meeting scootaloo and another where she took the tomboy under her wing. A photo of them eating burgers together and one where they were at the skatepark together where Rainbow Dash taught Scootaloo how to skateboard and finally them enjoying sports at the canterlot high fields.

All this cause Rainbow Dash to tear up upon seeing those photos as she realize fully what a horrible person she was never knowing that she secrectly did took scootaloo under her wings without realizing it and now she was up in space where she'll never be seen again and the last thing she'll remember Rainbow Dash by is that she broke her heart

Rainbow Dash: (completely feeling guilty) "what have i done? i never realize how close she was to me have i been lying to myself oh how much i truly care for her?" she began to sing ♪ am i truly a monster as i felt zero remorse for what i said then but now i feel it within me oh what have i done? how can i feel pain as i never did now its like something inside me has awaken and unleash telling me i'm a monster oh what have i done shes out there alone in space with no food or water and she'll probably died out there ooooh i'm scare for her and can't imagine the sicken sufferig she must have up there oh what have i done my insults will be the last thing scoots will ever hear oh my i wish i can atone if i never said those things i'll prtobably be up there with the others searching for her and i can't blame them i would've done the same thing too oh what have i done! what have i done i'm a monster to her oh what have i done!!!! ♪

She stop singing before looking glum and now understands that what she said about hating scootaloo was back then and now in the present she truly loves her. Right now she sits still wishing to fix her mistake somehow and someway then after a while of thinking and tearing up she finally got an something in mind

Rainbow Dash: "i'll apologies and make it up to her once they find her i can't give up any hope i know shes a strong freshman and i know the perfect person to give me advice on how i can fix my relationship with scoots" she dash off to find Sunset and hopefully get something from her that can help her restore her and scootaloos relationship before it fully becomes unrepairable.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

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