Captured And Revealed

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Twilight and the others were lock up in prison cells on Garchomps ship after having been taken on their way to planet Quartu, Now here they are in prison sort off by a evil dragon planing to do who knows what to them. And to make it worse they lost their geodes

Sci Twi Sparkle: "i can't believe this is actually happening we were suppose to find scootaloo but are now in this cell wondering whats going to happen to us"

Fluttershy: "those awful dragons stole our geodes our abilities to be able to protect ourselfs and others now what are we gonna do?"

Applejack: "i'll tell you what we are gonna do fluttershy we are gonna get out of here and beat those dragons up"

Rarity: "and how are we gonna do that applejack we have no magic and those dragons are powerful as we fought them earlier what you can do to humans that are evil are different towards creatures"

Pinkie Pie: "hmmm wonder what they are gonna do to us in here ooh ooh maybe their throw us a party!" her friends just frown at her "what?"

Just then Garchomp came by smugly approaching the cells as the girls either feared him or glare at him as he snicker over the reaction he was getting from them

Garchomp: "so how are my prisoners doing today?" 

Applejack: "listen you freak lets us out now and i promise you won't be neck snap by me" garchomp just laugh at her empty threat

Garchomp: "thats cute giving me zero threats like that haha anyhow this will teach you to trespass on our turf and get away with it, plus being close to that tomboy freshman ddn't truly help matters now did it"

Fluttershy: (scared) "what are you gonna do to us"

Garchomp: "well you see freaks as of now your my prisoners till i need you for something whenever you like it or not than i'll sent you back to whatever planet you came from as i destroy it to make room for our planet to take place in orbit"

The Rainbooms: "What!"

Garchomp: "you see you 5 our planet well old one orxon got poluted somehow and while we could still live there as we pokemon are immune to the gas nothing else is which includes our food and water that only poison pokemon can survive on so we were force to retreat and try to find a home for us all only for the populations of each planets to reject us so i figure out we can create our own planet we just need pieces of planets of from novalis and batalia, machines from kerwan, oil from aridias, logs from eudora, lava from gaspar, and water from pokitaru, and then we can combine everything into a brand new planet for us to live on, all we need now is the bomb that'll blow up a planet, a piece of the planet of olantis, and destroy pokemon weapon factory to keep their business from helping those who can't fight back, afterwards we be able to live on our new planet"

Sci Twi Sparkles: "thats what you guys are up too?!" garchomp nodded "but taking pieces from other planets won't that cause those planets to go out of orbit!?"

Garchomp: "like i told the novalis population sacrifices has to be made though both novalis and batalia plans were foil by this scootaloo girl and her pikachu sidekick we have no choice but to just destroy olantis nearly completely in order to get their pieces to finish our planet sadly their planet will have them no needs of staying so those who inhabit that planet will be homeless"

Hearing this horrified the girls over how cruel garchomp plan is and while they can feel a tiny bit of sympathy for him due to him just trying to give his dragons a brand new home he was losing a bit sympathy for hurting those around him in the progress

Rarity: "listen garchomp even though your looking care for your dragons your really sure theres no other way to help them that doesn't cause disaster for those who don't truly deserve it"

Garchomp: "hehehehe oh sweet dumb girl you make it look like we never thought if such a thing but sadly we tried but nothing helped us so doing all this cruelity act is necessary for us dragons to have a place call home"

Fluttershy: "there must be something or someway you can provide for your dragons" Garchomp begins laughing as a vibrava shows up

Vibrava: "excuse me boss uh we discover that there are two other girls that have geode necklaces just like these girls uh they are in planet veldin"

Garchomp: "hmm time to make a call talking to these girls might seem interesting about the planet we have chosen as the replacement spot and of course i might have some use for these girls when the time comes till then they can just rot in these cells for all i care"

He left laughing evilly as Twilight struggle a bit yanking on the bars desperate to escape to no avail before giving up and sighing sadly as she can only imagine not only their fate but everybody elses fate as well including scootaloos fate.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nitendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

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