On Our Way....To Being Capture

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In his ship Garchomp was groan tired of hearing reports on the two troublemakers ruining their attack on batalia, sucking up fire from gaspar, and draining some water from pokitaru, this was really pissing the leader dragon off

Garchomp: "ugh those two are really pissing me off they're just lucky i need to keep an eye on our planet building or i'll have dealt with them myself by now ugh i need something to take my anger out on, i need someone to help our slaves finish my newest device that'll fully secure our victory, i need someone like....."

On cue radar sensors begin sounding alarms which caught the villain dragons attention as he flew on over towards the radar to see what it pick up on, checking it he saw an unidentified rocket heading straight for quartu

Garchomp: "hmmm something tells me whoever is in that rocket has connection with that tomboy and her sidekick rodent" he grins evilly "this might be able to solve some of my problems i'm dealing with" he contacted his troops "attention everyone we have a rocket ship approaching capture it and bring whoever is inside it alive hehehe"

We cut to the other equestria girls almost towards their destination of planet quartu hoping the planet will have scootaloo and it so they can bring her home safe and sound, Twilight sigh as she recall the tension in the group over wondering if they should forgive rainbow dash or not from where twilight stands is in the middle as she agrees with fluttershy and pinkie pie that rainbow dash was remorse and they forgiven tons of girls in the past, while applejack and rarity were right that rainbow dash knows better and she was not so call loyalty at all, but twilight herself knows that scootaloo was the one who she hurt and so they agree to forgive her if only scootaloo does. 

Twilight gulp a bit as the planet quartu was right in direction in the distance, as she continue focusing on driving the rocket she felt a tap on her shoulders, turning around she saw it was fluttershy who did that

Fluttershy: "oh uh sorry twilight i just wanted to know uh once we find scootaloo and bring her home what will we do next to her after what she did?" Twilight sigh a bit

Sci Twi Sparkle: "well we'll scold at her for what shes done and tell her aunts what she did when get home i just need more time on that as rescuing her is top priority we can deal with everything else afterwards"

However just then a warning sound was heard across the entire ship alerting twilight and fluttershy and the rest as garchomps dragon army flew right in and surronded their ship trapping them in place as the other girls join up with twilight and fluttershy

Applejack: "What in tarnation is going on here the alarms woke me up"

Rarity: "ugh my ears hurt from this noise"

Pinkie Pie: "i think the noise is amazing" she begin imitating the noise till she was stop by rarity covering her mouth as twilight check the radar

Sci Twi Sparkle: "it looks like their are dragons surronding the ship" a thump noise was both heard and felted as the flying dragons came out of space and grab the ship together dragging it towards garchomps fleet "oh no they grabbed us"

Applejack: "what do they want?"

Rarity: "i not sure dear but i dread the unthinkable"

Fluttershy: "we must be tresspassing a bit i mean korrina said they live here now"

Pinkie Pie: "well she said they took this area"

Sci Twi Sparkle: "doesn't matter i can't break off their grips!" she tried contacting sunset and the others about their situation "sunset can you here me we are in trouble here!" no response "hello? sunset!? are in there!?" just then garchomp appear on the screen

Garchomp: "were sorry the connection your are trying to reach has been disconnected so sit back as you become our prisoners ahahahahahah!" he exited the screen as the shutters on his ship open as the dragons drop the rocket on a landing platform

Once they let go all the dragon soldiers storm in front as the girls exit the ship and found themselves surronded by tons of dragons that cause fluttershy to faint in applejacks arms and rarity and pinkie pie to look scared as twilight tries to reason with them

Sci Twi Sparkle: "look were sorry if we were tresspassing we are just looking for a freshman girl she stole a ship from us and we are trying to get her back" in response to this a fraxure spoke up

Fraxure: "just like you thought boss they have connections to this girl whos been destroying your plans" on cue Garchomp shows up approaching the girls as fluttershy woke up

Garchomp: "well well well you girls have been invited to be around prisoners what do you have to say to that" the girls look at each other and nodded

Applejack: "we say screw you and get ready for a smack down" with the excection of fluttershy the girls begin using their powers on the dragons with pinkie pie blasting some with her magic explosive abilities, applejack use her strength to throw some dragons away, and rarity and twilight use telekinese to attack the dragons. 

Garchomp look amaze by the girls abilities then he notice the girls necklaces aka geodes glowing and realize where their abilities were coming from

Garchomp: "noibats! use psychic get those geodes off their necks" noibats does so using the psychic move to pry the necklace geodes off them allowing the dragons to overpower the girls and knock them out "take these freak to the prison cages i'll keep a hold on their necklaces they may be important for what i have plan."

And so the evil garchomp hold onto the neclaces as the dragons carry the knocked out girls away to become their prisoners as things were looking very bad for the heroes it'll eventually get very worst indeed.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Nitendo, Game Freak, and Creatures

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