Wondering If They Should Forgive Her Or Not

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Meanwhile with Sci Twilight and the other girls that went to search for Scootaloo they were on their way to Rilgar as their journey to Kerwan had once again brought them into yet another wild goose chase as the only known resident Goodra show them a video of the tomboy competeting in the hoverboard race

While they are on their way they couldn't stop thinking about Rainbow Dash coming to help Sunset, Spike, and the CMC and are wondering how to think about the situation, with on one hand some thought they should forgive rainbow dash while some think she doesn't deserve it at all like how apple bloom and sweetie belle feel

Pinkie Pie: "wow i'm glad rainbow dash decided to help sunset out on tracking us down hehe its funny applejack keeps hanging up on her out of the blue though" Fluttershy perked up upon hearing that

Fluttershy: "Applejack is it true you been hanging up whenever rainbow dash tries contacting us?"

Applejack: "Why yes i am ugh i can't believe sunset trusted that lying rainbow freak into helping us over after knowing what she did to poor scoots"

Rarity: "yeah dears you see no matter how remorse you are it'll never excuse for saying low things to those who look up to you, besides it not us she hurt but she hurt scootaloo and lied to us as applejack stated"

Applejack: "thats right we won't forgive her which we decided to give her the silent treatment forever as her punishment!"

Fluttershy: "but guys we forgiven sunset for her bullying ways and brainwashing our friends against us and tried to kill us why can't you do the same for rainbow dash?" 

Rarity: "because sunset never understood friendship and never truly knew better of being good so we saw her as someone who needed to learn the facts of friendship but compare her to rainbow dash who knew better and is the elemental of loyalty so her actions are a red flag of some sort i mean she shouldn't have treated scootaloo that way no matter how she felt about her and just forgiving her like that makes one forgiving someone who hurt them for no reason"

Applejack: "thats right i'll never imagine myself such a thing to apple bloom and yes rainbow dash and scootaloo aren't relative, they still have a relationship close to a sister one so those effects are the same"

Pinkie Pie: "oh come on applejack, rarity we also forgiven sci twilight for her actions in the friedship games, gloriosa daisy for her actions at camp, juniper for sucking us in a magic mirror, wallflower for erasing our memories of sunsets good deeds, Vignette Valencia for her plan to send us in a white room, and forgiven me and sunsets favorite band for creating a time loop why can't you two forgive rainbow dash in spite all of those times?"

Applejack: (clearing her throat) "twilight was force to by the principal cinch witch, juniper hold a grudge on us after we anger her more, wallflower was upset as we weren't nice to her, vignette wanted to please people in her own way, and kiwi lollipop and supernova wanted their concert perfect"

Rarity: "what applejacks point is that those girls weren't cruel to a sister figure who look up to them, isn't well known, or who do bad things willing so we can forgive those girls due to them as before don't know better but rainbow dash does so yeah shes out"

The 4 girls begin arguring overlapping each other as Twilight listen in growing annoy by the arguring as words like "some elemental you are" "back at ya" "she deseves worst than the rest" "she deserves a second chance already" At that moment twilight had enough and whistle at the other girls to stop fighting and they did giving her their full attention

Sci Twilight Sparkle: "Alright Stop!!!" she sigh a bit as they were silence "look both of you guys are right with fluttershy and pinkie pie your right on forgiving rainbow dash as she has learn her mistake like everyone including me and sunset had before, but applejack and rarity are right on we can't be easy forgiving as rainbow dash is the elemental of loyalty and knows better plus scootaloo is the person she hurt so she needs scootaloo to accept her apology more than ours" she then takes a very deep breath "so we must give her a chance and listen to her without talking to her back if your still feeling upset with her and in no time we will find scoots and everything will be back to normal, i know it hurts forgiving someone you think doesn't deserve it but you at least have to tried alright"

Everyone look at each other absorbing everything twilight told them and agreed with her third option towards theirs, give rainbow dash a chance but don't be too forgiving as they weren't the ones she hurt

Fluttershy: (sigh) "alright twilight that can work"

Rarity: (serious) "of course darling i trust you though trusting rainbow dash will still take time i will tried though"

Pinkie Pie: (cheerful) "me too me too i can do it it it"

Applejack: (taking a deep breath) "fine! twilight i'll listen to rainbow dash but i won't be forgivng her till scootaloo does" Rarity nodded as well 

Sci Twilight Sparkle: (nodded) "thanks guys now then lets just focus on saving a freshman i need" they all nodded as their ship heads towards their destination hoping things will be alright when in reality it wasn't.

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