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jimin's door burst open and a loud gasp was heard. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" jimin and jungkook both knew they weren't getting out of this one.

jungkook quickly climbed off of jimin, standing and bowed to the man standing at the door. the younger boy whimpered, he had never seen his father this angry and he hoped he would never have to again. suddenly mr park began yelling incoherent words and speed walked to jungkook whose eyes widened as he jumped over jimin's bed to the other side of the room so the older man couldn't get to him. this made the father huff and go for the teacher again.

jimin watched with wide eyes as he tried to stop his dad from literally killing jungkook. seeing this happen, jimin began to cry and jungkook looked at him with sad eyes as he continued to run for his life. at this point mrs park came up and her eyes widened seeing a crying jimin as well as her sons teacher running from her very angry husband. she couldn't even process what was even happening before mr park snatched jungkook's shirt and swung a punch.

with a loud thud, jungkook fell to the floor, jimin's eyes widened as he cried more before climbing up off the bed and running over to his lover and wrapping his arms around him. the teacher groaned as he sat up, but he was knocked right back down by another punch. the student screamed and pulled his father away from jungkook but i was no use as his boyfriend received another three punches thrown at him.

by this point, mrs park and jimin were both trying to pull mr park from jungkook. and when they were finally able to, an almost unconscious male laid on the floor with a bloody lip and nose as well as a red eye that was slowly turning purple. jimin was still crying and he once again made his way over to jungkook and placed the males head on his lap as his mother managed to pull her husband out of the room.

"k-k-kookie hyung." jimin cried, his tears dropping onto jungkook's swollen cheeks. "i-i'm sorry, i'm so-so sor-sorry." he cried watching his now weak boyfriend fight to stay conscious. "it's a-all my f-fault." the door burst open and mrs park passed her son a first aid kit before she sat down on jimin's bed. she watched as jimin cried loudly, his voice cracking as his shaky hands tended to jungkook.

"b-baby." jungkook groaned out and held jimin's shaky hand. "d-don't cry... hyung i-is alright." he assured with a scratching voice. jimin shook his head and gently helped jungkook up to lay on his bed. "y-your dad g-gave me what i-i deserve baby cakes." jungkook softly smiled up at jimin who was gentle rubbing a cloth on his busted lip.

"i-is that why y-you didn't f-fight back?" jimin asked.

"i had n-no right t-to." jungkook said softly before turning to jimin's mother, he softly smiled and bowed his head. she sighed and looked down while rubbing her face. "i-i'm sorry mrs p-park, i'm sorry i-i fell in l-love with your son..." he croaked out before holding jimin's hand in his. "but i-i don't regret it o-one bit."

"jimin meet us downstairs, mr jeon can stay up here if he would like to recover." mrs park said looking down.

"i'll come." jungkook said sitting up but jimin gently pushed him back down.

"stay here kookie, please rest." the teacher hummed and pecked his students palm before he left with his mother.

mr park drank his water and watched as his wife and son walked down. mrs park sat right next to her husband while jimin sat right across from them, with his head down and hands in his lap. jimin twisted the ring on his finger, the room was silent, but no one knew how to start off the conversation. jimin was too scared, mr park was trying to calm himself and mrs park was just sitting there as she didn't know who to side with.

"for how long?" mr park asked and jimin visibly flinched before wrapping his arms around his legs. silence only came from the teenager who wiped the tears in his eyes. "GOD DAMMIT JIMIN! how fucking long have you been seeing your teacher romantically?" he asked with a booming voice.

teacher・지국 [not continuing, unless...]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum