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jimin held his knees to his chest as soon as he sat down on the bus. the camp had just finished, and he just wanted to go home and sleep, or go to jungkook's house and cuddle with him. but he was going to have to wait four hours before he could do either. yoongi and hoseok sat behind taehyung and jimin; there had been extra seats as a couple of students went home early.

jungkook checked off everyone before walking through the bus. he spotted a tired jimin who was giving him puppy eyes. he smiled to himself before going to the back of the bus to make sure everyone had their seatbelts on, he then made his way back over to jimin and taehyung. "could i please sit here?" jungkook asked, and taehyung nodded, allowing him to sit between him and his best friend.

as soon as jungkook placed himself down, jimin tried to entangle his hand with his. the older retracted his hand and took off his huge jacket before putting it over the younger to make it feel as if he was hugging him. the teacher then snuck his hand under the edge of the jacket to hold his student's hand. a small smile graced jimin's lips as he tightly held onto jungkook's large hand with both of his.

"jimin! are you already falling asleep?" taehyung asked, shocked as he leaned across to see jimin with his eyes already closed with his plump lips in a pout. the boy hummed and snuggled into the jacket more. "thank you for lending him your jacket mr jeon." taehyung smiled at jungkook who hummed and ruffled his hair.

once the bus took off, taehyung began talking with his boyfriends behind him while jimin continued to cuddle up to jungkook more and more. jimin whined and moved the jacket to slightly go on jungkook's shoulder so it would cover up the fact that he was wrapped around his arm. the older smiled softly as he moved his hand down to the younger males thigh, he began to rub it up and down; not in a sexual way but in a comforting way.

"hyung?" jimin asked quietly and jungkook hummed. "can i sleepover tonight?" he asked, and the other hummed and nodded in confirmation. "thank you kookie," he mumbled.

"you're welcome, babycakes." jungkook teased, squeezing jimin's thigh.

the students and teachers arrived home, jimin tiredly walked out of the bus with his heavy suitcase and waited to the side as jungkook checked everyone off. he talked to his parents and said he was going to be dropped home. sadly they weren't going to be home, so he was allowed to go to jungkook's house. but that meant he had to wait until he was finished up at school, so he just stood there wrapped in the male's huge jacket.

"do you have a ride home jimin?" hoseok asked, wrapped his arms around jimin. "it's starting to get dark, and we can drop you off if you need," he said.

jimin shook his head and hugged hoseok back. "mum got time off work and is coming to pick me up any minute." he lied and let go of his friend, he then hugged his two other friends before they walked off. "hyung? are you done?" jimin asked quietly, tugging on jungkook's sleeve.

"almost baby." jungkook confirmed. "sit down for a moment, and i'll put our bags in my car," he said, and jimin nodded before sitting down on a school bench. he watched as his crush packed up all the things and put them into his extremely nice car.

soon no one was left at school, and jungkook had the duty of locking up. jimin had almost drifted off to sleep on the school bench, so the other had picked him up gently and placed him in the car before going around the other side and getting in. jimin whined and huffed as jungkook pulled out of the school and onto the streetlight lit road. jungkook looked over to the whining boy and chuckled as he continued driving.

once they arrived at jungkook's apartment complex, jimin was lifted into the males strong arms before he was carried inside and up into the male's apartment. and within fifteen minutes, the older had brought up all of the youngers luggage along with his. when jungkook entered his bedroom, jimin was sitting against the headboard on his phone. his teacher smiled and made his way over before leaning over the bed and pecking the student's cheeks.

"i want a shower~" jimin whined. jungkook nodded and picked up the boy before bringing him into the bathroom. "can we have a shower together?" he asked hesitantly, and the other chuckled before nodding. jimin began to undress as jungkook went over to the shower to get it warm. the younger giggled and made his way over to the other and reached for the hem of his sweatpants before pulling them down harshly leaving the older in only boxers and a shirt. jungkook yelped and turned around to face jimin who was in the same amount of clothes as him.

"want a punishment?" jungkook smirked, and jimin's eyes widened as he went to sprint out the room, but jungkook caught him by the waist with a loud amused chuckle. "i was kidding hun. now let's get in the shower, it's ready."

awkwardly the two got completely undressed until they were completely naked before they stepped into the shower with their heads raised. jungkook didn't not look at jimin because he was uncomfortable, but because he didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable; he would love to see the boy's body in all its glory. as for jimin, he was too nervous to look at all of jungkook's body, he had seen his chest and abs, but he hadn't seen the "other" thing down there.

to make it less awkward, jungkook squirted some shampoo onto his before carding it through jimin's hair. the boy flinched before sighing, leaning back into the man's chest. the younger turned around and also took some of the soap on his hands and then doing the same to the older, both of them laughing as they washed each other. and soon enough, jungkook's arms were wrapped around jimin's waist; the teachers head buried in his student's neck.

"hyung?" jimin asked, trailing his hands over the male's chest.

"yes, baby?" jungkook asked, rubbing the boys lower back.

"a-are we dating? because i-i don't understand what we are... we kiss and say we like each other, but we aren't actually anything to one another yet." jimin said quietly. jungkook pulled away from him and brought both hands up to caress the boys cheeks with a soft grin.

"park jimin, babycakes, will you be my boyfriend?" jungkook asked.

jimin squealed and nodded; he carefully jumped up and down before wrapping his arms around jungkook's torso. "yes! yes!" he happily exclaimed.

jungkook smiled brightly and picked jimin up by his thick thighs; he gently held the boy up against the wall before leaning in and sealing their lips together. jimin moaned and wrapped himself around jungkook. the older stuck his tongue out, and without thinking, the younger opened his mouth wide enough for jungkook to slip in his tongue. a whine escaped his mouth as jungkook became more dominant – kissing harder. jimin felt euphoric, kissing someone significant to him.

soon enough they pulled away and jungkook placed jimin down. the younger wrapped himself in a towel before looking to the older, but he gasped and looked away from him. jungkook's cock flashed in jimin's mind. he had just witnessed his boyfriend's shaft for the first time just after a few minutes of dating, and he wasn't expecting it to be anywhere as thick and long. jungkook chuckled seeing how his boyfriend reacted and wrapped a towel around his waist before hugging him from behind.

"i-" jimin stutter and jungkook leaned down before pecking his ear.

"one day baby..." he chuckled before picking the shocked boy up and carrying him into his room.

teacher・지국 [not continuing, unless...]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu