Morning love. If you're reading this then we have already gone out. We needed to take care of the groceries and such. Be back soon. ~The best person on the planet.

So they left me alone. In this huge flat. Without supervision.


As I rolled onto my side and pulled the covers off of my body, I noticed that I was wearing nothing but panties and one of Niall's over sized shirts. Uh-oh. This did not look good.

At all.

I tried to play back the memories of last night. The last thing I could remember was Niall giving me a piggy-back ride all the way to the flat. I think half way there I fell asleep while he was carrying me. I subconsciously started to blush. How could I have let myself fall asleep while he was carrying me? I mean, couldn't I wait until we got to the flat? That way right now I would know exactly how I got into these...clothes; if you could even call them that. But that still doesn't explain my current... attire. I can only hope nothing happened between me and Niall last night-


My head snapped up. There was a faint sound of a bang coming from downstairs.

But that doesn't make any sense! I thought with panic! Niall said that him and the boys went out and wouldn't be back until later! He even said so in the note that he left behind! So if the boys aren't here, then...


I started to panic. If the boys were gone, that means someone else is in the house. And if someone else is in the house and none of the boys told about someone else being in the house then it can only mean one thing.



Trying to make close to no noise as possible, I climbed out of bed as my eyes roamed the room for something I could use to defend myself. My eyes landed on a piece of metal pipe leaning against the wall beside the window. It was most likely cut from the curtain rod, and was about 3 feet.

Well, this will have to do.

As I tested the weight of the cold, metal pipe in my hands, one end hit my bare thigh, sending shivers throughout my body. That was when I remembered that I was wearing close to nothing. It occurred to me that if there indeed, was , a robber in the house that was willing to kill me, he would most likely consider assault as well. Therefore, I must wear pants before I continue on with my hunt to find and possibly destroy this so called, 'robber', because it would be harder for him to proceed with assault if I was to wear pants. So, there were now two possible equations that I needed to review before proceeding with the robber hunt.

a) me + no pants + robber = assault

= sad Katie

b) me + pants + robber = no assault

= happy Katie

I think I'm going with plan b.

Good answer, I mentally applauded myself for the well-thought-up mathematical plan. With that all figured out, I looked around the room for something to cover my bottom, not really caring as to what it would look like because there was currently a robber in the flat. I spotted a pair of Niall's plaid, navy blue boxers.

Good enough, I thought, grabbing the pair and quickly pulling them on. They were a little bit loose but they would have to do-


Okay! Time to get a move on. Come on, Katie, don't chicken out now. Find the robber, knock him unconscious and then call Niall. I tip-toed towards the bedroom door and slowly - ever so slowly - twisted the knob and pulled it open, silently begging for it not to squeak. It didn't. I gripped the metal pipe in both my fists and held it up like i would with a baseball bat. Since all of the bedroom doors were opened, I checked those first.

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