Chapter Three - Tre

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They killed Lorenzo. Lorenzo is dead.

The words replay on an infinite loop. I dig my fingernails into my skin in hopes this is just a dream.

A fictional nightmare.

A chuckle escapes my lips at the absurdity of what has happened. I run my hands down my face, not caring about the blood smears. How did I get from being a recluse in a mansion to a victim in the back of an SUV?

It was not meant to be like this. My father told me Lorenzo was going to escort me to my future husband, and yet, here I am... brotherless. I never had the need to defend myself, nor have I left my home until now. How am I to survive this?

"Where are you taking me?"

I glare at both men, who don't seem to phased by my narrowed eyes. I reach over for the handle and try to open the door. The guy in the passenger seat slowly turns his head. His cold blue eyes glare at me.

"Would you really be that stupid to exit a moving vehicle?" I would yes. I'd do anything to get away from these people, but when glance out the window and watch the scenery pass us by, my throat constricts a little. Now that I think about it -my hands detach from the handle and I make myself as small as I can in the back seat.

"What do you want with me?" A tear slips down my cheek, and I wipe it away. I have a slight idea of what these men want, and I pray that I am wrong. I don't want my first time with a man to be forced.

They don't respond but I still want answers - any answers. "Why did you kill my brother?"

"Your brother," the driver speaks and chuckle. The sound sends shivers down my spine.

The SUV comes to a stop, and I glance outside to see my surroundings. No longer do I see the bustling city life I saw when I first landed. Instead, I'm gazing up at a manor. "Do you even know who you are?"

The driver asks and spins around to look at me. His dark eyes cause my skin to crawl. The fine hairs on my neck bristled.

"Your father is Antonio Bonetti, yes?" He questions again. His eyebrow lifts when i don't reply. "You're his only living child?"

"By default, because you killed my brother." The driver shook his head.

"No, Tesoro," he clicks. "Lorenzo isn't even Bonetti blood." My breath hitches. "Shocker, I know," he gasps, his eyes widen in mock shock.

"You're lying."

But as his word echoed inside my head, the more I felt he wasn't. Lorenzo's features were more on a darker scale. People who didn't know us would just assume he took after Mama's genes. But she had blue eyes, and her hair was a shade lighter than mine.

"But Lorenzo isn't why you're here," he says and unclips his belt. "Your father is."

"What does my father have to do with this?"

The two look at each other, and I notice the driver jerks his head at b silently urging the other to speak. "Your father is a bad man." His blue eyes roam over my body. The torn clothes barely cover me.

"We were sent to collect."

I feel my brows pinch. "Collect what?" The moment I said those words out loud, my mouth forms an O.

"See now you're getting it."

The doors open and I squeal crawling further away from the guy standing there.


"Please you don't have to do this!" I plead. Looking away from the man at the door and toward the two in the front. The guy in the passenger seat sighs, and opens his door.

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