Chapter Two - Due

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Lorenzo holds my hand as the plane descends. "You good?" He asks. I shake my head, closing my eyes. "I assure you the pilot is skilled. We won't crash." At that moment, I secretly hoped he wasn't.

But that was a selfish thought. I didn't want to wish any harm against my brother.

I open one eye, sneak a peek at my brother. His honey-brown eyes watch me carefully. Despite the circumstances of what brings me here, I feel safe with him.

His fringe flops down and slightly covers his eyes. I reach up and swipe it to the side.

"Thank you for being here with me, Zo."

The plane jolts as it comes into contact with the runway, and I let out a squeak, causing Lorenzo to chuckle. He leans over and presses a chaste kiss to my cheek.

"Dai - come on," he says, tugging me to my feet and dragging me down the aisle of the plane. The hostess, Bernice, opens the outside door, and someone wheels over the steps for us to descend the plane. Lorenzo entwines his fingers around mine, so I don't tumble and face-plant onto the tarmac.

It wouldn't be the first time I have fallen down a flight of stairs. Back at home, I was always running and not watching where I was going. Gianna often scolded me for doing so.

We make our way over to the awaiting SUV. I lean into Lorenzo. "Which one is ours?" he stares down, since he is taller, at six feet.

"They all are."

All? There are four blacked-out SUVs. We only need one. Lorenzo walks us over to the nearest vehicle. A suited man standing beside him opens the door. "Hop in," Lorenzo says. "I need to talk to some people."

I do as requested, and he closes the door. His hand still lingers over the door handle, but before I say something, he turns and walks over towards another SUV, where two men dressed in black suits await. I watch as all three of them make their way around to the back of the vehicle. Lorenzo leans inside and tucks something inside his jacket. I feel my facing frowning at the oddity of it all. As though he senses me watching, Lorenzo glances up. He shakes the two men's hands and makes his way back toward the SUV.

"You know where to go," he orders the driver, and the vehicle moves.

I look out the window, watching the scenes pass by. "Lorenzo." I glance over at him. He seems preoccupied with the phone in his hand.

"Hmm," he hums. His face still glaring at the screen.

"Where are we?"

Lorenzo looks up from his phone. "We are in New York, Sorellina - Little sister." He points out small monuments and gives a brief rundown on their meanings.

"You'll get used to being here. It's a drastic change," he mumbles. "But, you're strong."

I look away from the moving sights and focus on Lorenzo. "I'm never going to accept this."

"Angela," Lorenzo shouts. He reaches out, tugging my arm so I propel forward. I cry out, alarmed. Not sure what is happening. Lorenzo holds my head down with the weight of his hands. Stones hit the Vehicle and I squeak with each impact.

"It's ok," he says. "The SUV is bulletproof."

My eyes widened. "Bulletproof?" The sounds hitting the vehicle are bullets? "We're being shot at?" I shriek.

Lorenzo ignores my outburst and rolls down the window. "What are you doing?" Pulling him back inside. "You could get shot!"

Lorenzo brushes me off and sticks his head and arm out the window. It's only now, that I notice in his hand there is a gun.

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