Chapter Twenty-nine-Ventinove

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"Did you miss me?" Ales murmurs against the apex of my thigh. The soft sensual kisses awaken my body. "I sure missed you." 

Ales slowly pries my legs apart, and I, a willing participant, helped him. "I missed you." 

Every waking day I thought about him; if he survived. Did he know where I was? It wasn't entirely bad back at home. Though I am pleased, I no longer have to see Frank lurking in the shadows.

I arched my back, flexing my hips higher toward the man between my legs. The warmth of his breath blows gently against my skin. Releasing a soft mewl when his tongue darts between the folds. My fingers grip the sheets at my sides. 

Ales reacts to my vocals, and the vibration sends a shiver through me. My core heats and I want more. 

"More," I tell him. "I want to feel you inside me." 

"And you will," he murmurs. Spreading my folds further apart. "But first, let me have my breakfast." 

My cheeks heat at his straight boldness. I don't think I'll get used to him talking dirty like that. 

I feel it building inside; the more he licks and nips the soft bud of my clit, the closer I am to let go. My thigh trembles, and my body twitches. Ales keeps his pace steady and it isn't long before I release myself.  

The soft moan from Ales, tells me he enjoys this very much. I feel his lips against mine and taste my arousal. "Do you like how you taste, Angel?" he runs his tongue deep inside my mouth. 

"You taste fucking heavenly." 

I don't mind the saltness of my arousal, but I prefer the taste of him. 

"Angel," I hear the velvet voice of Ales, waking me from my dream. I murmur a no and roll away from him. "We have much to plan." 

A cool breeze hit my body, and I know Ales has removed the covers. My naked body is on full display. It is also sore from our rendezvous last night. A sharp pinch hits my bottom, and I instantly open my eyes to glare at the handsome figure seated beside me, staring back with a toothy grin. 

He is showered and dressed ready for the day, in a casual white shirt, and black slacks. The top button of his shirt is left undone. His hair was wet and ruffled. Ales isn't one to gel his hair back. "You have ten minutes before I drag you out dressed or not." 

I narrow my eyes at him. "You wouldn't dare." 

I call his bluff.

"You're right, we wouldn't leave," he says, pinching my nipples. The mischievous glint in his eyes told me to get up and dressed or my sore body will be even worse. 

I had just slipped my shoes on when I hear the shuffling Ales's making his way over. "You ready?" He asks.


Ales checks me out from bottom to top; his grey eyes look right into mine. 

"You look beautiful." 

My cheeks flush, and I find myself shying away. His hand cups my chin, and he brings me back to face him. "Don't go shy from a simple compliment." He chastely kisses me. "Own it." 

"Where are we even going?" I ask as Ales opens the car door for me. 

"It's a surprise," simply says closing the door and walks around the front of the car to the driver's side. The car hums alive and slowly we leave the property. I glance in the side mirror and smile softly, noticing the black SUV tailing behind. Giovanni wouldn't fit in this tiny car. I stop watching the security tailing us and turn my attention to Ales. 

He looks relaxed. One hand on the steering and the other resting on his lap. My fingers itch to touch his opened hand. A tinge of sadness fills my chest at the memories of months ago. His bleeding torso, his drooping eyes. The lull of his breathing. Then being ushered away from his stilled body. I don't know what Matteo was playing at, but I know he would never hurt me. 

I don't fault him, but I could never love him. Not like I do for Ales. The thought of my father agreeing to us being married burns inside. Why would my father allow Matteo to wed me and not Ales? 

"What's stirring inside that pretty head of yours?" Ales asks, running his knuckle softly against my cheek. I haven't told him of the plans my father has set up. I don't see the point. I'm with Ales now, and that isn't going to change. The only people allowed to be left alone with me are Rico and Gio; maybe Vince if he comes back. No one has heard from him since that day. And of cause, Ales. 

This is all one huge mess, and sadly I can't help but feel to blame. 

I place my hand over his and lean into him. "It's nothing."

"You forget I know you. Probably better than you know yourself." 

I close my eyes and let out a bated breath. "I still have nightmares." I shake my head. "It's stupid."

Ales clicks his teeth, and pulls the car to a stop, cutting the engine. "It's not stupid." He shifts in his seat to face me better. "I feel the same." He jerks his thumb to the SUV pulling into a park beside us. "Why do you think I upped the security." 

He opened the door just as mine opened and I turn to see Gio standing there blocking my view. "Come on," Ales says. "They are waiting for us!" 

I cocked a brow and titled my head. "Who is?" 

Ales gives me a crooked smile, "You'll see." He looks over my shoulder and stared at Gio. "You keep a close eye on her, and deliver her back to me safely."

Gio must have given Ales a look of confirmation because he left us both standing there. I was gobsmacked and Gio smiling. Or the equivalent of a smile. His lip is slightly angled upwards. 

He linked his arm with mine and walks me toward a tall building. A man stood outside, dressed fancy. "Afternoon," he greets, tipping the fedora on his head. Gio nods. 

"Afternoon," I respond, politely.

The moment we enter the building. Reporters flashed mobed toward Gio and me, with their cameras in their hands. A flash set off, momentarily blinding me. I was lucky Gio was holding on to me.  

"Are you nervous?" One of the reporters asks me. 

I press my brows together. "How does it feel to be marrying Alessandro Rivera?" I halt my steps and glance up to Gio who just gives back a mono glance back. 

"Ms. Bonetti!" a woman calls out. I glance over my shoulder to see a woman, with dark shoulder-length hair. "Did you know you're marrying a killer?" 

The air in my lungs just up and left. "He doesn't love you," she belts out across the room. Gio tugs my arm toward the elevator and pushes me inside. "You will only die from his hands." was her last words to me as the door cut her off.  

"What is going on here?" I ask knowing there is no one to answer me. The door opens and my mouth gapes open in shock. 

Displayed throughout the room were racks of wedding dresses. "Oh good, you're here," A woman with blonde bun chirps. She glances to my right at cranes her neck, shock on her face. I watch as her throat bobs as she swallows. "Right, well," hums before turning her gaze back onto me. "She will be safe in my care." 

Gio doesn't move, he only unlinks our arms. "I'm sure you don't wish to stand there while we try on dresses. Again Gio doesn't respond. 

"Um," I hum gaining the blonde woman's attention. "He doesn't talk, and I want him to stay." I glance around the room. A smile appears on my face when I remember where we are. This is Ales's secret place. The familiar Angel ornament on the table behind the sofa stood out like a beacon. 

She glances down at her silver watch and clicks her teeth. "Well we better get to work, wasted enough time already standing here doing nothing. The wedding is in a few hours." 

A warm feeling fills me from inside. Ales and I are getting married... Again. 

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