Chapter Sixteen - Sedici

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Angela's POV

I stare at my brother from across the table. Vince doesn't seem to be the talkative type. It's different compared to Lorenzo. That guy couldn't shut his mouth - ever. A stab shot through at that thought; oh how I wish to hear his obnoxious voice, right now. 

"You look like them," I murmur. Trying to break the ice, and form a light conversation. His mouth twitches. I think he liked that compliment.

"You have her eyes." My mother had the bluest of blue eyes. You could see the iris clear as day. "If someone was to have her eyes, I'm glad it is you." 

A little lie won't hurt. I couldn't care what my mother passed down. She left me when I was young, and when I needed her the most. The only female I had to confide in was Gianna. When I got my first period... I cried. I thought I was dying. 

I couldn't talk to my father about boys; I tried and was told to stick to dolls. I was fourteen, a little too old for dolls. Lorenzo overheard what my father said, and found a book for me to read, and then from there...every book I ever read was a gift from my brother. He was the best parent I could ever ask for.  

Vince runs his finger along his jaw. "That's a convincing compliment." 

I feel the heat hit my cheeks, instantly. "I knew you hated your mother." 

Your mother. His words lingered a little longer than anticipated. He doesn't class her as ours. 

"Are you ok?" 

I wanted to ask him if he doesn't think of Lucia as our mother, does he not think of us as siblings? But I didn't want to come off as desperate. Maybe being distant was his way of saying he didn't want a sister. 

"You don't talk much do you?" I decided to say instead of what I actually wanted to. 

Vince laughs, and a sparkle forms in his eyes. "I'm an observer. When we first met, you passed out, and on our second meet, you freaked out."

I scoff at his response and folded my arms across my chest. "With reason," I state. 

"Did you know about me?" It mattered, I wanted to know; how much did Lorenzo keep from me? 

From the sudden shift in his posture, I knew the answer. Everyone knew, but not me. "Oh," I hummed and swept my hand over the table, ridding it of the invisible crumbs. Ana keeps this house immaculate, so it was a pointless action, but I couldn't bear the gaze he was giving... pity. That is the look I have been seeing everyone give me these past few months.

Alessandro has yet to return. No one would tell me where he is, and with every passing day that I don't hear from him, my hope of seeing his handsome face dwindles. 

Vince clears his throat, and I lift my head slightly to see him running his fingers along his jaw. "It was best for us not to know each other. The fewer who know I'm a DeLuca the better." 

I chuckle and wave my hand about... "And who would I tell? I'm sure Zo told you I didn't have a good rapport with my father... I was alienated back home. Quite frankly all this is a little overwhelming." I can feel a little tantrum forming... My voice is slightly rising in pitch.

"Now you've done it," Matteo probes the last of my nerves. For the past few days, he has been following me. It's bad enough, I have Gio lurking somewhere nearby, I didn't need an overconfident asshat doing the same. 

I roll my eyes. "I thought my shoulder was heavy." 

Matteo pulls up a chair and sits at the table. I chose this moment to slide my chair out and stand. 

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