Chapter Ten - Dieci

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After coming home, I raced past Ales and Rico, not bothering to talk to either of them. I just wanted to have a shower and wash out the remnants of soda from my hair.

I showered and changed into clean clothes. This time I had asked to borrow some of Ana's dresses rather than the sweats I had been wearing.

A smile forms on her face, and she comes back with the dress from the store. "How?" I stare at her, waiting for her to reply.

"Gio," she sheepishly states. "He felt bad for frightening you, so..." she gestures to the flowery dress. "He bought the dress."

I stare at the flowery dress... Gio bought a dress for me?

She walks over to her dresser and picks up a bag. "Go change and come back here so I can do your makeup."

She hums to herself and starts organizing the items on the dresser. "Hurry." She waves me off. "I still have to cook dinner."

I did as requested, but instead of rushing back into her room, I stood in mine, admiring the dress with my full-length mirror. I can't believe Gio bought the dress for me. Ales did say Gio may look scary, but he is just a gentle giant.

He even got my size correct. The dress cups my bust nicely, and flowed over my hips, stopping just above my knees.

I had been too busy looking at myself, that I hadn't noticed Ales standing beside me, leaning against the doorframe. His arms folded over his chest. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up, and his top button is undone. This is the most I've seen him dressed so casual-smart.

His lips lift when our eyes met and he pushes off the frame, dropping his hands to his side. "You look happier."

I wasn't aware I hadn't.

Ales brushed the stray hair away from my face. He is at least a foot or two taller than me, so I have to tilt my head. "Your eyes seem brighter." His thumb brushes over my cheek and I find myself leaning to his warm touch.

Ever since I was twelve I had a silly crush on my brother's friend, and here he is caressing my face with his rough hands. My heart beats wildly against my chest and my belly flutters as all the childhood memories I thought disappeared resurfaced.

"It's just a silly little crush," he says as he looks down at me. He leans in, and I suck in a breath and close my eyes waiting for his lip to touch mine. The roughness of his stuble, lightly scratch my face, but our lips never connect. "Maybe when we see each other again it won't just be a crush!" He whispers and presses a soft kiss against my cheek.

I stepped back, which made Ales frown but he didn't say anything. "Ana is expecting me," I murmur and sidestep past him. Ales grabs my hand and pulls me into his body. He grips the back of my head firmly and lowers his mouth over mine.

I have dreamt of my first kiss since I was a girl. Ironically, I dreamt of the recipient who would give me that first kiss. I imagined the warmth, the texture of his lips. In all my dreams, nothing could compare to the real thing.

Ales's tongue pushed past my lips, fighting its way in. I suck in a deep breath when he lightly bit down on my lower lip. He released his hold on my hand and wrap it around my waist, bringing us closer together.

I don't know what to do with my arms, so I just kept them at my side, like detached limbs. Every so often they twitched - ached to run my fingers through his hair. Ales slowly glides his hand down my waist and over my buttocks. The light flutters in my stomach became more intense.

A soft moan escapes me, and my limbs finally respond. My fingers glide through Ales's hair. Ales grips my buttock, causing me to grab a fistful of his hair. He breaks away, but it wasn't for long. He presses his forehead against mine.

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