Chapter Twenty-one - Ventuno

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I lay here in Alessandro's arms on the sofa in his office. I can't believe I'm married. Ales's fingers brush lightly on my back and I yawn.

"Are you tired?"

It's midday, but after our rendezvous, I can't help but feel like taking a nap. "I hate to ruin this moment," Ales whispers and tilts my face up. He leans in and kisses me. "But I need to go to work."

He taps my thigh and gestures for me to get off him. His eyes graze over my naked torso. I felt him stir under me. "I think work can wait," Ales mumbles as he pulls me back down. His mouth claims mine. I will never tire of kissing this man. My husband.

I'm only nineteen and now married.

Aless's hands brush up my thighs and cup my buttocks. Each movement forms goosebumps over my skin. My heart beats a little faster. Is this how he feels? In the mix of my thinking, Ales has flipped us. I'm now on my back and he is hovering over me. He runs his hands slowly up my stomach, making his way to my breast. At least that was what I thought. I was waiting for the bite of his thumb and forefinger as they pinch my nipple.

I wouldn't say I like pain for pleasure, but a little bite doesn't turn me off. Before I could feel the pinch of his fingers, Ales rams into me. Shocking me to my core.

I think he just knocked the life source out of me.

My body arches. Putting my breast out there for him to take. Aless doesn't feed into temptation. He leans down and kisses me. I run my hands down his back. Ales reaches around and grabs my wrist and pins them above my head.

Being on the sofa causes some discomfort, but I push it to the side, especially when Ales pulls back and slowly pushes in. The stretch of my body touches every nerve ending. "Look at me, Amore."

I angle my head slightly to get a better glimpse of him. "This doesn't seem real," he releases his hold on my wrist and glides his hand down my face. I lean into his touch. My eyes close, as I relish the feel of his skin against mine.

"I didn't say close your eyes," Ales says, pushing himself in further. I didn't think he could go in more. I was proven wrong.

"We are going to make this quick," he hums against my lips. "I want you to keep your eyes open."

Ales pulls out, suddenly. My body feels empty without him invading me. He replaces himself with his fingers. I didn't mind much, because now he was finally paying attention to my prominent erected nipples, which were growing by the second to gain his attention. The warmth of his mouth cooled me.

It sedated my soul. I moan and run my fingers through his hair. Ales, tugs on my bud. His teeth hold the right amount of pressure that wakes my lower region wake. Ales took this as a point to invade me further, by stretching me further.

"Tell me, Angela," Ales hums, "Do you want to cum on my hand, or my cock?"

Ales stops the tantalizing moments of his hands as he waits for my answer. "I'm waiting," he tells me and lightly brushes his thumb against my clit.

"I want you," I tell him.

Ales closes his eyes, briefly. "You have me, but that isn't what I'm asking." He shifts slightly. I suck in a deep breath when I feel his tip touch the entrance. "I know what I want you to cum all over."

I nod my head. I want that too. I want to feel him deep inside me. Ales presses past the entrance of my sex but doesn't stay. "That isn't an answer."

"I want to cum all over your cock."

Ales chuckles and leans down to press his lips against mine. "Why, Angel, I never thought those dirty words would leave those lips." He slams in hard and fast.

"I don't think you're an Angel at all." He pulls back. "Tell me you're still my Angel!"

"Sono ancora il tuo angelo. Ora dammelo -I'm still your Angel. Now give it me."

And give it to me he did.

With one final slam, I convulse against his cock. I feel him pulsate against my over-sensitive body. We lay there, staring deep into each other's eyes. Ales brushes my damp hair away from my face and presses a light kiss on my nose.

"You are too beautiful."

I cup his cheek. "Likewise, dear husband."

Ales groans and stands. "I'm tired Amore," he murmurs, picking his pants up off the floor. He turns around and leans down to kiss me lightly. "I like the sound, of husband too much."

He quickly kisses the top of my head and then slips his shirt back on. "Here," I offer to tidy up his collar.

"Grazie. Mia Amore." He smiles, "But next time you touch my clothes, I want you to be taking them off."

I roll my eyes. "I thought you were too tired," I teased.

Ales snakes his arm around my waist and brings me in close. "I'll never tire of you, Wife." He lightly pats my naked buttocks and steps back. "But..." he sighs, "There is work to be done. I will be back late, so don't wait up for me."

Ales gives me a quick glance over. "I would kiss you again, but I'm afraid I won't be able to stop." He bites his lower lips and we stare at each other for what feels like minutes. "So I'm just going to go," he finally says and spins on his heels.

His hands grip the door handle. He turns his head to face me, "I think I have told you enough times already, but I need you to stay close to Gio."

"I will," I tell him.

Ales nods his head and exits his office. The clicks and I breathe out a deep breath, flopping down onto the sofa. My hands run down my face, as I reflect back to earlier. I hold my hand out. It doesn't seem real.

My naked ring finger stares back. I sign papers. I'm officially married to Alessandro, but yet it doesn't feel real.

I managed to look presentable before leaving Ales's office. I quickly scan the room making sure I left it clean and open the door to leave, walking right into the body of a woman.

"Who are you?" She asks.

I tilt my head and give her a once-over. Her face looks familiar, but I can't quite make out where I have seen her.

"I asked you a question," she belts out and brushes her red hair away from her pale face.

I'm stuck on the threshold of Ales's office and the hall, as this woman blocks me from moving forward. "Why were you in there?" She points to Ales's office. My face instantly heats. I'm not going to tell her why. I don't even know who she is.

"Are you a mute like his sister is?" She goads. The woman tries to step forward, but I don't budge. No one is allowed in here, but Rico or me, so I effectively block her from doing so.

"Do you even know who I am?" She screeches. Her body straightens and she places a hand on her hips, to give me that matter-of-fact look. "I'm Alessandro's fiance."

I felt that plummeting as my heart falls from a great height. There is an ache inside, but I refrained from showing this woman my weakness. Instead, I stood even straighter. By some miracle, I am taller than she is, and this woman is in heels.

"I'm Mrs Rivera, and you are?"

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