Chapter 8 - What's Past Is Prologue

Start from the beginning

Savitar's suit." Cisco said.

Something to remove dark matter." Nora confirmed Cisco.

The Speed Force transmitter that Zoom used to steal Barry's speed." Caitlin protested.

Yeah, but that was his Speed Force." Iris said.

Yeah, but those are exotic particles, which are basically the same thing as dark energy." Nora explained, frowning slightly. 'So we would just need some of that to recalibrate it."

Can you do that?" Ralph asked.

I mean, you'd have to infuse the transmitter with the same kind of dark matter." Cisco said

Like the DeVoe kind?" Ralph added.

More like the Particle Accelerator kind." Cisco corrected Ralph.

I'm sorry, we need to blow up S.T.A.R. Labs again?" Ralph pleaded.

No, no, not again. We just need to go back to the first time that it happened..." Nora demanded.

This is gonna mess with the timeline too much." Barry said to Nora.

No, it's not. Savitar's suit, the transmitter, these are all just discarded objects in time, so if we steal them, it won't affect anything at all." Nora explained.

Even if all of that worked, wecan't just waltz into the hospital." Ralph answered. "With our soon to be named dampening device. Dwyer smells us coming, he's gone.

Then we do a time hack." Nora stated.

A time hack?" Ralph asked, confused.

Is when you..." Sherloque whispered.

Plant something in the past so it's available in the future." Cisco said gravely. "You go back, you take the device, and you hide it near the hospital. Somewhere it won't be found for five years. He won't even know it's there."

So you and your father go back to the past to defeat Cicada in the future. Quite an off-the-cuff plan you've come up with." Sherloque said immediately.

We can do this." Nora answered.

No. I can do it." Barry turns to the others. Can you guys figure out the best dates to go back to?" He told Cisco before leaving out of the cortex.

We're on it."

Barry walks out of the cortex and Nora follows after him. and I hear them talking.

You're not coming."  Barry told her.

Why?" Nora asked.

Every time I try something like this I nearly get killed." Barry replied.

Well, yeah, all the more reason for me to come with you, so that I can watch your back so you don't get hurt." Nora said sarcastically.

And look what happened." Barry murmured.

Look. I just want to fix what I screwed up. Okay, what I did. Please, let me come with you." Nora told him.

Not today." Barry said with a nod as Nora says nothing as she walks away.

I has overheard them as I walks into the hallway and gives Barry a look.

You think she should come with me?" Barry asked.

Yeah, Barry. She does." I sighed.

Sarah, if I do this, I'm going back to some crazy times. Savitar, Zoom, Thawne, Speedsters." Barry told me.

Who you've all outsmarted and defeated." I sighed.
Look, this was her idea. Her solution. And it's a good one." I told my husband. "So unless you have a better reason why she should stay back let her do this.

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