Part 55

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During the three hour long drive to London, Harlow was almost falling asleep, leaning her arm against the window to create a make shift pillow. When she woke up that morning she had never anticipated a trip down to the capital, but now they were closer she could feel the excitement setting in. 

It was the adrenaline that often kicked in before a business meeting, the knowledge of having to fight your corner and climb your way to the top with every transaction. Harlow had always enjoyed that element of the Shelby Company, and she wasn't about to let Tommy and his over protectiveness stop her from doing the one thing she truly found pleasure in. 

It wasn't just Tommy though, Harlow was very much aware of Polly's extreme view of the Winters' role in the business. Whilst she knew Polly was only concerned for her wellbeing and safety, Harlow was sure she was more likely to endanger herself if she sat around all day, lonely and bored, than if she carried on doing something productive, and usually risk free. 

It wasn't every day that the Peaky Blinder's put themselves in harms way; just most days...

Going against Tommy's wishes was something Harlow could deal with relatively easily, but going against both his and Polly's at the same time was a risky game. She would face criticism on both sides, but the pit of fear that she would forever be kept in the dark was growing by the day, and it needed to be defeated before it overwhelmed her. Having a simple meeting with Alfie Solomons would ease Harlow back into the chaotic, yet rewarding world where she belonged. 

It was fate that Arthur would stumble into the betting shop when he did. 

"Where are you meeting Billy Kitchen?" Harlow questioned with a vague sense of interest, yet she was mainly taking in the sights of the busy city. Her fond eyes travelled over the hurried businessmen, weaving around daydreaming couples who strolled arm in arm as the sun began to set with absentminded smiles on their faces. She could never imagine being so carefree, but it seemed a dull life to lead nonetheless. 

"On the outskirts of Camden Town," Arthur informed the brunette as the car trundled along obediently, "Some of the blinders still don't have full trust in Solomons, they don't like getting too close whilst the deals are in the early stages." 

The way he spoke so passively made Harlow turn her head slowly towards him with an inquisitive expression, "And what about you?" She probed, wanting to see how the Shelby and Solomons relationship had developed in the latest month whilst she had been out of the loop. Harlow really hated being out of the loop. She firmly believed knowledge is power, as they say.

Arthur's eyes flickered towards her, but found their way back to the road immediately, "What about me?" He responded with a hint of confusion, turning left onto a familiar road. She noticed Arthur gesture to someone, another car that was parked at the side of the street, which began following them as they made the journey to the Solomons bakery. It was Billy Kitchen. 

"Do you trust him? Alfie, I mean." Harlow added tentatively, twisting back to follow the road ahead, which was relative empty for that time in the afternoon. It was a difficult question, one that Harlow herself would struggle to answer without categorising the most minor elements of his business, his personality, his gang. Nothing and nobody was ever straight forward. 

"Tommy does, so yes." Arthur answered through gritted teeth. Lies, Harlow knew that was a lie. Arthur didn't trust many people, certainly not London gangsters who he had barely any actual contact with in the past. Solomons was Tommy's and Harlow's domain, and more recently Michael's too, but only for a fleeting visit. Arthur was as transparent as glass itself. 

"I didn't ask if Tommy trusted him Arthur." Harlow raised an eyebrow at the man as they pulled up outside the familiar bakery, and the façade never ceased to amaze. Arthur remained silent, jumping out of the car and grabbing a pile of papers from the backseat as Harlow sighed, climbing out onto the pavement. 

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