Part 72

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The initial silence was chilling, but no as much as the smirk that flooded onto the face of the Russian man. His slow nodding confirmed Harlow's declaration, yet for once, she wasn't happy about being right. 

"Hold on a minute," Arthur intervened, glancing with confusion towards the stoic brunette, "I thought that you and-"

"I thought so to, I guess men are weaker than I anticipated." She responded in a harsh tone, shooting a dirty glare at Tommy as she turned back to the man before them. If men were going to treat her like rubbish, she could play them at their own game. Whichever game it was, Harlow Winters could definitely play it better. 

Tommy didn't say a word on the new information that came to light, either because of shock or knowing that uttering a word on the matter would be complete hypocrisy. Instead, he focussed on the issue that threatened himself, as he always did, "What do you intend to do with this information?" 

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out Mr Shelby. I'll take my leave now, but if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open." He announced coldly, swinging his coat around as he turned to walk away. 

"Fucking shoot him now Tom, then that's problem solved." Arthur mumbled under his breath, meeting his brother's eyes which were full of uncertainty. He held up his finger, ordering Arthur to remain still as the Russian shouted back over his shoulder, "I have given orders in case I don't return back alive tonight. If you'd like to risk the consequences, be my guest." 

His confidence was unnerving, and just like that, he disappeared behind Tommy's house, leaving all three of them stood frozen. 

"We need to know what Alfie told them, now." Tommy spoke in a deep tone, heading back towards the house without so much as a second glance. Beside her, Harlow heard the stones crunch as Arthur hesitated, sending her a pitiful expression, before following his brother without a word. 

In that moment, Harlow had never felt more alone. All she wanted to do was curl up on the ground and cry until she had no more tears left. She ached to let it all out, but now wasn't the time or place. She just needed a sign to push her along, something to make her realise she wasn't alone, someone who had been there all along. 

"Harls, we've been looking all over, Marvin said something spooked you and you vanished." Ada emerged from the servants doorway, quickly pulling her hand free of Nick's to run over to her best friend, leaving Nick with his oldest brother. Her face was so full of concern that Harlow felt her heart drop. Not only was her future ruined, but Ada's hope for Harlow and Alfie would be flattened too. Ada could never truly be happy unless her best friend was, and the same for Harlow. 

"What's happened?" She asked softly, grasping Harlow's hands and leaning in close so that Dale and Nick couldn't overhear. Ada had a sixth sense, she always knew when something was wrong, and it came in particularly handy around her friends and family. 

"Do you want the long or short version?" Harlow asked with a bitter laugh, looking up to push back any potential tears. As her curled eyelashes batted rapidly, Ada scrunched up her forehead, "Short I guess." 

Observantly, Harlow tilted her head to see Dale and Nick making their way over, so she knew she needed to be quick with her answer, "I just caught Alfie getting off with some random girl who turns out to be a Russian spy and who now has valuable information on us." 

Ada's eyes widened in disbelief and settled with a definite furious gleam, "What the fuck? I'll kill him." She kept hold of one of Harlow's hands as she turned to Nick with a persuasive expression, tilting her head alluringly, "Do you have a gun?" 

The Wentworths narrowed their eyes, but Nick nodded slowly, hardly reluctant to reach for his weapon. He'd probably give Ada the moon on a stick if he could, "Do you want to tell me why you need a gun right now?" He questioned interestedly, but he had already handed over his prized revolver. He had another one on the other side of his jacket anyway, he wouldn't be defenceless. 

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