Part 37

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The aftermath of the night before had been quite catastrophic on Tommy's grand estate. Glasses previously filled with masses of alcohol could be found scattered from the ballroom all the way to the bottom of the gravelled driveway, along with random designer shoes and expensive ties that drunken guests had unknowingly left behind. It was clear to see that the staff would not be thrilled.

The majority of the guests had managed to find their way home, or at least staggered off the premises, and that was good enough for them. The Shelby family had stayed over at the house, there were plenty of rooms to keep them comfortable for the evening. Harlow had bunked up with Ada for the night, she couldn't bear to sleep near Thomas Shelby after the news came out. 

The air hadn't been cleared after the confrontation on the porch, everybody had gone their separate ways; some re-joining the party, others wandering elsewhere. Harlow knew she had to face the lying cheat that was Tom and the thought made her squirm, but they had a family meeting arranged, plus a meeting with the Wentworths. God knows why they organised it for the day after the wedding when there would be hangovers all around. 

Slowly, Harlow peeled herself away from the cream sheets, pushing herself up with a click of her elbows. The sun was starting to shine though the thin crack in the silk curtains, and she decided to change into something fresh, accompanied only by the soft murmur of Ada's snores. 

Returning from the neighbouring bathroom, Harlow fastened her emerald necklace around her neck carefully, grinning as Ada groaned into her pale hands, "I think I drank too much." Her expected complaints were received with a small giggle whilst Ada stretched exhaustedly. 

"Get up and get sorted. Family meeting this morning, remember." Harlow reminded in a surprisingly upbeat tone. As she checked her neat hair in the large mirror, Ada's puffy eyes followed her carefully, "Are you okay Harls? It is okay to cry or shout, or hit someone." Harlow turned as Ada held up her arms with a cheeky smile, "Preferably not me though." 

The pair chuckled before Harlow breathed in slowly and meaningfully, "Honestly, I feel heartbroken, but there's no point in throwing a fit about it. Whatever happens from now Ada, there's no going back for Tommy and I. I'll always love him, but I've had enough of his shit. I'm sorry, I know he's your brother and all but he's fucked up for the last time, and I'll never forgive him for that." 

Ada nodded gently, completely agreeing with her best friend's statement whilst rising to her feet, "I think that's the best thing for you. He doesn't deserve you, but we need you here with this family even if you aren't with Tommy. I need you, you're my best friend." 

Harlow turned to look in Ada's sorrowful eyes, before sealing the distance between them with a loving hug, "Don't worry Ada, I'm not going anywhere. I love this family too much to abandon it. The only shame is that I won't get to be your sister after all..." 

Ada smirked over Harlow's shoulder, pulling back to get changed into something different than last night's stained dress, "Well, you could always marry Arthur." Harlow laughed half heartedly, sticking up her middle finger before heading out the door, "Or Finn!" She heard just before it clicked closed delicately. 

Harlow couldn't imagine dating anyone other than Thomas Shelby, she didn't want to even contemplate it. Yet, she knew that in the future it would be inevitable, she was only young; she didn't want to be alone and unmarried forever. Although, when she thought about it, Polly no longer had a husband, as she was doing great on her own. 

Whatever happened, Harlow Winters was not going back to Thomas Shelby


"And how much did you say you drank last night?" Harlow and John sniggered at Arthur who had somehow managed to get dressed into a pristine, new suit, but now had lost the ability to even lift his head off the dining table. In an attempt to face the brunette, Arthur twisted his neck, sending a loud cracking sound through the room, followed by a small hiss of pain. 

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