Part 70

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Harlow felt a few pairs of scheming eyes flicker towards her as she glared back at Tommy with all her might, instructing him to turn around. Thankfully, he did and mirrored Grace's stance as he faced the altar and Jeremiah who was stood before them. 

The watchful stare of Polly travelled over to the young woman knowingly, but Harlow didn't dare turn to look at her, and instead stayed focussed on the bride and groom. 

"We are gathered here today in the eyes of God..." Jeremiah began, his warm voice filling the grand room. Harlow barely listened after that, she had too many things spiralling around her mind. She had promised Tommy that she'd deal with the business for the day, but in reality, if the Russians showed up, what could she do? She didn't know the full extent of Tommy's involvement with them, so she couldn't be going making orders. 

Harlow would just have to keep them away from the other guests and make sure that none of Grace's family conversed with them. It shouldn't be that hard. 

"If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your piece." Jeremiah called out, almost willing anyone to object to the union. 

The silence was beyond quiet. As the seconds passed, either side of the church eyed one another warily, waiting to see if anyone would snap. Arthur coughed uncomfortably from the front, distracting everyone momentarily. 

Harlow could tell from the look on John's face that he was restraining himself severely from objecting, but even he wouldn't disobey Tommy in such a way. Not in front of Grace's family, they had to show a united front. 

Satisfied that nobody had spoken up, and guessing that nobody was going to interrupt, Jeremiah continued formally, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." 

Harlow couldn't deny the hurt she felt just hearing those words, but with Alfie stood beside her, it was bearable. Everyone clapped gingerly as they sealed their half meaningless vows with a kiss, before turning to walk down the aisle. With fake smiles and confetti being thrown in every direction, Harlow didn't miss the smug grin she received from Grace as she passed. 

Harlow had to give it to her; Grace knew exactly what she wanted, and she found a way to get it. Even if it was at the expense of Harlow, the Shelby family and her own personal dignity. 

As they all herded out of the crowded Church, a clear divide remained between the two groups, not a single member of either side felt comfortable in mixing with the other party. Harlow had an inclining that it would stay that way for most of the night, and she wouldn't complain. 

"What the bloody hell are we doing now then?" Alfie mumbled as himself, Harlow and a few of the Wentworth brothers lingered at the bottom of the steps. Marvin shrugged, running his hand through his thick head of hair, "Hopefully getting drunk." 

The thought of alcohol gave Solomons and the Wentworths something to bond over as Harlow felt a few interrogating stares on her. Twisting over her shoulder, her eyes scanned the crowd before she noticed a small group of middle aged women all staring her up and down. They were from Grace's family, of course, and their upper class superiority complex had clearly already kicked in. 

Instinctively, Harlow turned away, trying to ignore their chattering in order to avoid any bad blood on Tommy's wedding day. Besides, she needed to focus on the main issue at hand; the Russians. 

As the men were still immersed in conversation, Harlow drifted through the gathering to talk to Polly, who looked like she was about to disintegrate into the ground unless someone saved her from a very uninteresting conversation with one of the Irish cavalry men. 

Harlow was careful to weave through the guests, not wanting to cause anyone offence, more than they already had by purely showing up to the wedding. Unfortunately, not everyone was as careful as the brunette was trying to be, and as she got within five metres of Polly, someone crashed into her harshly. The bright red jacket and gold medals immediately gave away that it was Grace's Uncle, but she was more focussed on the open flask of whiskey which had splattered all over the front of her dress during the collision. 

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