Part 32

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"So you want our help to take down Sabini?" Tommy questioned, watching carefully as everyone took a glass of whiskey that had been poured generously by Isaiah. Arthur had sneakily snatched the drink from Finn before he could even begin to sip at it. Theo had been treated in exactly the same way, and it had gotten to the point where he didn't even attempt to retrieve some alcohol.

Thomas Shelby had listened interestedly as Dale, Levi and Nick had spouted their ideas on how to take down the London gangster, and surprisingly they sounded pretty promising. Tommy wanted nothing more than to kill Darby Sabini after John had received a bullet from his men all those months ago, but he had been uncertain beforehand.

Nevertheless with the two gangs combined, they were unstoppable, just as long as everyone could keep their egos and anger under control. That mainly applied to Arthur.

Arthur was a little sceptical; he had heard vicious stories about the northern brothers, but just watching them in front of him, they seemed almost harmless. In a domestic situation, they could be seen as an ordinary family, and they couldn't help but admire that. There were no pointed looks which could easily set him off, only friendly nods between the gangs as they met each other's eyes.

"If we help you take down Sabini, how much of his territory are you willing to give us?" The Shelby asked respectively. He wanted a fair split, but that wasn't usually how these negotiations went.

Before Dale could even think about responding, the group heard the front door to the offices slam open and a familiar, stern voice flooded through the building. Tommy internally grimaced, he wasn't aware of Harlow's relationship with the Wentworth's and he was reluctant to get her involved with the potential threat.

"Right, Rose lock the door. Lizzie, get that chair for Ada and hold that to her nose." The brunette had firmly taken charge of the situation as quickly chucked a clean handkerchief off the receptionist's empty desk over to her friend. Everyone obeyed, and Ada groaned from the pain in her ribs as she settled down on the wooden chair.

"I don't see why we couldn't just go home." Lizzie complained, wiping the blood from the Shelby carefully, before turning to face Harlow who slowly backed towards Tommy's office where she knew the first aid kit lay. She still held the metal bar firmly in her hand, meaning to wipe the blood from it when she had chance.

"Because Ada doesn't want to tell Arthur, Tommy or John. They aren't in the office today. We'll be fine." Harlow reversed into the office, not noticing the grand total of fourteen pairs of eyes set firmly onto her back as Ada shouted through to her, "I barely have any freedom as it is, please don't make it worse."

Lizzie rolled her eyes and nodded understandingly, not one of them realised that they weren't alone. In fact, they were hilariously outmanned. When Harlow began to rifle through the cupboard beside the door, she was so fixated on her task, she didn't even notice John's snigger from behind her. It was unusual for Harlow to be so oblivious, but she was confident she was alone.

An authoritative cough alerted her of a presence, and the Winters girl jumped more than she ever had before. With a sharp scream, she twisted around holding the metal bar outstretched in front of her to witness a sea of amused faces.

Her eyes widened as she noticed the Wentworth's sat alongside her gang, she couldn't believe the timing. The messy pipe fell from her hands, clattering against the floor as she composed her breathing.

"What are you screaming at?" Lizzie questioned, stepping away from tending to Ada and walking through to follow her friend. She gasped in shock, as Rose came to see what all the fuss was about.

"I swear to god Harls, ignore whatever bug is crawling on the floor because I'm about to collapse at any second." Ada's voice rung out through the office, and Harlow finally remembered what she was supposed to be doing. Before she could even alert the younger Shelby, Ada had already stumbled into the doorway, only to groan in annoyance when she saw her brothers.

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