Part 62

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The next morning as promised Michael was outside the address at nine thirty, and her departure has bitter sweet. Harlow knew she had to leave and go back to Birmingham to make sure Arthur could resettle properly, but she also made a promise to Alfie to return as soon as she could. After the intimate night they had spent together, she knew they definitely had a long future ahead of them. 

Michael smiled at her happily as she pulled open the door and slid into the passenger seat beside him. It was clear to him from the outset that Harlow was in a good mood, and it didn't take a genius to work out why. 

"You look particularly glowy today." Michael mentioned suggestively, raising an eyebrow as he examined the small smile of Harlow's face. With her hair pulled up into a high bun, she knew her cheeks were exposed and therefore she needed to refrain herself from blushing and giving everything away, 

"Thank you Michael, it must be the fresh London air." She grinned innocently, turning back to face the road ahead of her, feeling Michael's examining eyes linger for a few moments longer. However, he chose not to pry and let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he pulled away from the pavement out the Solomons' household. 

"Any news to catch me up on?" Harlow enquired as they drove through the surprisingly quiet streets that led to the prison. Usually in the morning the city was packed, but it was better for them that it wasn't. Arthur would not be in the mood for crowds or interaction after being released from his cell. 

Michael tilted his head to one side, thinking if there was anything to tell the brunette, but nothing sprung to mind. "Not really, it's been a surprisingly quiet twenty four hours." 

Nothing ever stayed peaceful for long, not in their world, "Well, I guess we're fucked then."


"Arthur!" Harlow ran towards the oldest Shelby brother as soon as he was released through the prison doors. He had a look of relief on his face to be free, though he was battered and bruised. Arthur groaned in pain as Harlow crashed into him excitedly, but hugged her tightly nonetheless. After he was taken away by the police, he was clueless to what had happened to the Winters girl, and it had been niggling away in the back of his mind whether or not she was okay. 

"Sorry." She mumbled into his shoulder, "I'm so glad you're out." Harlow pulled away, holding him at arms length to examine the extent to the damage. Her eyes were full of sympathy, and Arthur recognised it all too well, "It wasn't too bad, I've dealt with a lot worse." 

That didn't improve how Harlow felt about the situation, if anything it made her feel more sad and essentially frustrated that Tommy put him through another thing like this. Arthur really didn't need to be used like a pawn, he needed to settle down and have a calmer life before he got himself killed. 

"We should get going to collect Tommy, he wants to be back in Birmingham just after noon." Michael added from a few metres away, offering Arthur a sincere smile and a quick nod of his head. That was about all the interaction they were going to have. Harlow nodded in agreement, placing her hand comfortingly on Arthur's shoulder to check if he was ready to leave. Fortunately, he seemed satisfied with his snippet of fresh air and the pair jumped into the back seat, allowing Tommy to take the front for when they arrived at his London property. 

Harlow watched Arthur carefully as he gazed out of the window, and the distant look in his eye made her worry inside. "Do you want to talk about it?" Harlow whispered to Arthur, knowing that he would never admit something was bothering him if she didn't prise it out of him. She knew that being behind bars wouldn't be easy on him, she just wished Tommy had thought of that too. 

Arthur shook his head with a short lived smile, wrapping his arm around Harlow's shoulder and resting his head on top of hers. She knew he must have had a rough night, so he hoped he could get some rest on the ride back home, even if it meant her having to stay in the exact same position in order to not wake him up. After the wonderful night Harlow had, she felt guilty for enjoying herself whilst Arthur was in such an awful, isolated place. However, it wasn't her fault that Arthur got arrested. 

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