Part 24

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"Hey sweetheart!" Arthur called cheerfully out to Harlow as she strolled into The Garrison. She waved happily and comfortably slid onto the stool in between him and John, but she couldn't help but analyse how busy the pub was. 

"You got fed up of Michael already?" Harlow laughed lightly as she noticed that the newcomer was sat in a booth along with Polly, Ada, Lizzie, Isaiah and Finn.  They were all chatting away peacefully, somehow managing to block out the overwhelming noisiness of the building around them.

"He's a bit dainty." John pulled a face, clearly enjoying the company of his brutal brothers who he had shared more dangerous experiences together than a polite village boy. Harlow sighed, drawing out her words, "He's not dainty... he's a kid. He's innocent; so don't you lot drag him into any trouble." Her warning made John smirk and Arthur patted her on the back reassuringly.

"We'll leave him be, don't you worry." He muttered, sipping from his small glass of whiskey. Harlow spun around, so she was leaning against the bar, but she tilted her head in between the two Shelby's, "Why is it so busy today?"

Sure, it was a Thursday evening, but it was unusually packed in the building, and the sound was almost overbearing. Harlow smiled at Polly and her son as the familiar group moved by them into the private seating area to escape the crowd.

Arthur groaned, tapping his hand on the table abruptly, carving ornate wrinkles across his forehead, "This girl was supposed to be singing, but she cancelled last minute."

"Probably had a lucky escape." Harlow muttered under her breath as John sniggered beside her. Finally, a glass was placed in front of her and filled up with her usual gin that she adored. Arthur turned to the young girl beside him, and looked her up and down for a second before grinning, "You can sing, can't you?"

Harlow grimaced at the thought, but she could hold a tune pretty well. John peered sceptically between the two, letting out a demeaning huff, "If she starts singing, this pub will be empty quicker than you can say stop." 

Arthur rose an eyebrow at his brother, knowing full well what he was doing. He wanted to wind her up to the point where she'd sing just to prove them wrong, and by the look on Harlow's face, it was working.

"Excuse me, I can sing." She argued, slamming her glass on the bar with a wild glint in her eye. Arthur smirked, "John's probably right, don't want to create stampede." 

Harlow scoffed, downing the rest of her drink and straightening her dress. Her confidence level had suddenly shot straight through the roof, and she grabbed Arthur's collar roughly, "You better get up on that stage and introduce me before I beat both of your asses."

The eldest Shelby held his hands up in defence before marching up onto the small stage towards the back of the pub with an ecstatic expression. As people noticed his appearance, the pub quietened down greatly, most of them fearing the consequences if they spoke over a Peaky Blinder. Harlow prepared herself, flipping her hair over her shoulders as John gave a sneaky knock onto the private compartment, alerting them of what was going on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a slight change of plan. Let me welcome Miss Harlow Winters to the stage." Arthur announced, starting a round of applause as John patted her back enthusiastically.

Gracefully, Harlow sauntered up onto the lit stage, smiling to herself as her high heels clicked harshly against the tiles. There was a large microphone situated in the centre, which fortunately for her was detachable; she hated standing still when singing. The pianist beside the stage nodded as she alerted him of the tune which he luckily knew how to play.

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