Part 20

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Harlow had been given the offer to stay at the Wentworth household, whilst she arranged business deals and such. She had gladly accepted and had been living alongside them for a few weeks. Harlow fit in perfectly, and the Wentworth's couldn't help but notice how alike she was to their previously deceased sister. Accordingly, they treated her as their sibling, just as the Shelby's did.

Every one of the brothers had welcomed her and she had grown close to each.

The time she spent with Dale and Levi was mostly spent discussing business and the potential expansion for both companies. They were beyond impressed by her intelligence and occasionally found themselves asking her for advice on certain issues they were facing. It was obvious to Harlow that they were in charge, both in business and in family matters. Dale was constantly checking up on his younger siblings which made Harlow smile.

She couldn't believe that such a genuine group of boys had managed to create the one of the most dangerous, ruthless reputations in the country. But then again, so had the Shelby's.

Nick was the most gentlemanly of the group. He always offered to help Harlow whatever she was doing, whether it was trying to navigate around the large house or just reaching for something off a shelf. Deep within, Harlow hoped that Ada could meet him one day as they'd make a great pairing.

On the other hand, Jack was the cheekiest, constantly flirting with her, but it was in a jokey manner which Harlow didn't mind. His personality mirrored her John's and it made her miss home a little less having him around. Despite this, he was nothing but kind to the brunette and made sure there was never a dull moment in the household.

Callum was the most excitable, and Harlow had never once seen him walk or talk at an appropriate pace. He was constantly running around eagerly like a young puppy which made him extremely clumsy. She had sadly learnt that at the tender age of sixteen, he had been sent to war along with his five older brothers, despite being underaged. However, rather than being in the trenches, he had been a sniper as his aim was chilling perfect. Somehow, through all the bloodied violence, he managed to keep an upbeat persona.

Theo was the youngest and quietest of the bunch. It was obvious to her that he wasn't too fond of the violence and corruption that surrounded his family, so Harlow tried to take his mind off of it. She taught him how to ride a horse properly, since surprisingly nobody else had ever had the time to do it. Harlow watched in awe as his confidence grew during her stay.

Marvin was the one Harlow spent the most time with. He took her on a tour of the gardens one day, before sprinting to the stables as the heavens opened and rain drenched them both to the core. The pair laughed the whole way as Marvin tugged on her arm, trying to get her to run faster to escape the downpour. His four older brothers had urgently travelled to Leeds for some business which left her in the house with the youngest trio.

That night, they had sought refuge in the lounge, clutching warm cups of tea which Laurie had given them after a good reprimanding about how they could have caught a cold. Harlow had found out that Laurie was the name of the maid she had met when she arrived, and she was a huge part of the household. The plump woman was more of a mother figure than a worker, and it pleased the brunette greatly when she saw the boys had someone to keep them in check. It was the northern version of Polly.

As the night went on, the conversation fell onto deeper topics, and by the end Marvin had fallen asleep crying on Harlow's lap after finally letting his emotions out about mourning his sister. Apparently, her name was Lana and she had been his twin, and his best friend since birth. The day spent with Harlow was almost like having his sister back one last time. Her brutal passing had been less than two years before, and he had never discussed his feelings with anyone.

The sorrowful Winters girl ran her hands comfortingly through his hair as she heard his choked snores vibrating through the quiet room. All she could do was still and think about everything. 

Eventually she would have to return home and face her family. Only one person knew where she had gone, and there was no chance they would reveal her location. Harlow decided that the next day, she'd talk to Dale because she had one more thing to do before she left.


"Harlow, what can I do for you?" The eldest Wentworth gave her a polite smile, gazing up from his work as she knocked on the door to his office. Harlow took a deep breath, knowing what she was about to ask was no simple favour. Nonetheless, she was willing to try.

"I was wondering if you could help me find someone?" She asked calmly, perching in one of the leather seats across the desk from the boss. He rose an eyebrow, indicating for her to continue, "Someone I care about greatly had her child unfairly taken off her years ago, his name was Michael Gray. I know it's a long shot, but you have connections with the council and I just wondered..." Harlow began droning on, trying to explain the importance.

Dale held his hand up to stop her, "I will make some calls, I will try my best to find him." He smiled kindly at her as her eyes lit up, "Thank you, really." Harlow muttered, knowing how happy Polly would be to reunite with her son.

Polly talked about him regularly, but only to Harlow, Ada and Lizzie. She never once mentioned him around the boys, but they knew she missed her son dearly; just as any mother should. After Michael was taken, Polly made it her duty to protect her nephews and niece with her life, vowing never to let them be taken from her or their family.

Harlow couldn't ponder it for long, as Theo met her in the deserted hallway, and they made their way to the stables since it was the perfect weather for riding.


"I've found him."

That's all Dale said as the brothers and Harlow sat around the table for a small meeting. Her eyes widened excitedly as he slid a file over to her. With her lips slightly parted, she couldn't help but gasp when she read over the documents quickly. The boys smiled at her joy as she scanned the photos. Harlow had met Michael before he was removed from Polly's care, and even at the ripened age of 18, he had barely changed from the small three-year-old she once knew.

"Thank you, thank you so much." She grinned, staring up at Dale with clouded eyes; tears of glee threatening to spill out. The address for the Gray was around halfway between Hull and Birmingham, meaning Harlow could easily visit him on her way home. If she returned with Michael, Polly would be absolutely over the moon.

"You are most welcome." He responded, turning the discussion back to business, giving her the opportunity to read through the rest of the file undisturbed. Michael had been sent to live with a small family. They weren't too wealthy, but they were not poor. She vaguely recognised the name of the village, and although it was quaint, Harlow knew it was a lovely place; nothing like Small Heath.

A conflicted thought crossed her mind; should she really drag Michael into the world of the Peaky Blinders? Yes, it was better that he was with his proper family than never knowing his roots. Polly would be thankful, and perhaps Michael would opt out of the business and get a normal job, whilst still seeing the family. Perhaps he'd not become a gangster like Tommy or Jay. Maybe he wouldn't develop anger like Arthur's or flirt like John; hopefully he'd stay innocent.

Harlow could dream.

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