Part 49

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"I said I'm fine." Harlow reassured for the fifth time as she attempted the leave the house for their journey up north. She only had a small cut on her head that had looked a lot worse than it truly was. The dizziness and loss of hearing had worn off fully after about an hour, she was thankful of that as it was making her nauseous.

"Harlow, you were nearly scattered in a million pieces across the street!" John explained graphically as she rolled her eyes, patting his shoulder in appreciation. The aftermath of the explosion had panicked everyone, and now three people at a time were taking it in turns to guard the new car before the five left to go home.

Jack, Levi and Arthur were currently outside whilst everybody else who was departing gathered their things to leave. The only people who had lost their valuables were Michael who's bag of clothes had been burnt to a crisp, and Harlow who had her handbag destroyed. Thankfully, she kept her money on her person so in reality they had gotten very lucky.

"Don't be so dramatic John. Besides the sooner we leave, the better." Harlow added, smiling as Ada brushed by her checking she had everything in her bag.

"You ready?" Michael turned to check with Finn and Theo who each had their bags chucked over their shoulders, anxious to leave their brothers behind after such an unexpected incident. However, deep down they knew it was for the best. They had never made it to war as they were much too young, but they had heard the gory details, so they knew their brothers were tough enough to face anything.

"Say hello to Rose and the kids from me." John kissed Harlow on the cheek before pulling Ada into a tight hug and ruffling her hair, knowing she hated the action. Given the circumstances, she embraced it rather than fighting against him.

"And give Lizzie a hug from me." Jay announced, holding Harlow tightly against his chest as though it was the last time he'd ever see her. Given their track record, it wouldn't be surprising.

After bidding the Wentworths farewell and good luck, Harlow turned to Ada in confusion, straining her ears after hearing some commotion from outside.

Tommy heard it too as he ripped open the front door anxiously, Dale and Jay close behind him to seek the origin of the noise. They couldn't afford another accident, not so soon after the first. 

"Harlow, oh my god." Ada muttered, grasping Harlow's arm as she slapped her lightly for her words. Polly would not approve. In a panic, Harlow moved across to see the problem, but was surprised to see a smile on Ada's face. Not many things could cause that.

There at the bottom of the steps stood Alfie Solomons and his second in command Olly, engaged in a heated conversation with Arthur and Jack as Levi attempted to keep the peace.

"Alfie. What a pleasant surprise." Tommy began, descending down the steps to meet the gang leader who ran the other half of London. He looked between Tommy, Dale and the car and gave an expression that showed he awaited an explanation.

"She alright?" Alfie asked, trying to come off as carefree, but anybody could tell there was underlying concern in his voice. Alfie wasn't stupid, as soon as he knew the two new gangs were in town he had some of his men watching their house constantly.

At first it was for his own protection and to prevent any action against him, but it soon became for Harlow's sake as well. He had grown a liking to the woman and didn't want any harm to come to her, or those she loved. Well Ada, Finn, Michael and Jay at least, after that he didn't care that much.

"Get the car ready." Tommy directed as Michael came down the steps with Ada's suitcase, followed by Finn and Theo who dumped their bags in the back. Jay stood beside Tommy with his arms crossed, watching the rival leader closely, "What's it to you?"

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