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"I'm not going to sleep until you kiss me"

"Fine" Chan said as he moved closer to him and gently kissed the top of his forehead.

"Channie no" Jeongin pouted "that's not what I meant."

"That's all I'm willing to do until you talk to me about Chinhae tomorrow." Chan said as he laid down and wrapped his arms around Jeongin again, "go to sleep now please."

"I'm nottt tired and I promised Sungie that I would go back to him."

"Right before we walked in here I saw Jisung passed out on Minho's lap"

"Oh." Jeongin said, surprised and confused since Jisung was ranting about how Minho was mean but his thoughts stopped when Chan started softly rubbing his back.

"Goodnight Innie," Chan said but Jeongin was already too close to being asleep to reply.

After about two hours of laying there, half of the time spent staring at the ceiling and the other half spent admiring Jeongin, Chan still couldn't fall asleep. He wasn't sure if it was because of his insomnia or because he couldn't stop thinking about what Jeongin said but it was probably a mixture of both.

"He tried to...do stuff with me" he remembered Jeongin saying...'I hope that it's just him being drunk and nothing actually happened.'

Chan decided to get up since he could still hear that some people were awake and he knew he still wasn't gonna be able to fall asleep for a while. The moment he stood up is when he remembered that he came to Felix's house with Yoona and completely ditched her for two hours so that he could take care of Jeongin.

He sighed as he carefully shut the door behind him. He first saw Jisung who was still asleep on Minho's lap and Minho was now also asleep as well. Hyunjin was passed out on the floor, and Changbin on the other side of the couch. Then he walked into the kitchen where Felix and Seungmin looked like they were arguing and Yoona was standing by herself on her phone. Seungmin was the only sober one in the room and glared at chan when he walked in.

"Where the heck did you go and why did you think it was okay to leave me alone with all of them?" Seungmin asked.

"Chris! Seungmin won't accept the fact that cereal is a soup. I thought he was supposed to be smart." Felix explained and Chan tried not to laugh since Felix looked genuinely upset.

"I had to take care of Innie, he was drunk." Chan explained and Seungmin just nodded.

"Well I'm tired so you can deal with them now. Goodnight" Seungmin said as he started to walk to Felix's room but was quickly stopped.

"No, no Seungmin no! You can't leave mid-argument. This isn't over."

"Wanna cuddle?"

"Yeah" Felix replied, seemingly forgetting about the argument as he followed Seungmin.

Chan walked over to where Yoona was and she immediately frowned at him.

"You ditched me."

I'm sorry, I had to take care of my friend."

"I should be more important though. I'm your date."

"Umm I'm sorry," Chan said, confused by her sudden change in attitude since she was previously extremely nice.

"I'm tired" She said and wrapped her arms around Chan "can you please drive me home now? You can sleepover at my house if you want to" she said with a smile and looked up at Chan.

"You could also just stay here. I can drive you home if you really want me to but I'll probably just come back here after," he said with an awkward smile.

"It's because of that stupid cute boy isn't it? Felix set you up with me because he already has a boyfriend Chan. Just get over him."

"I'm gonna drive you home now. Let's go" Chan said, trying to ignore what she was saying as he loosely grabbed her hand and started walking out of the apartment.

"You probably only like him because he's cute. Am I not pretty enough?" She questioned as she got into Chan's car.

"I don't like him because he's cute. And you are pretty but I think I need some time to get over him before trying to date someone."

"You don't need time you freaking idiot. You just need to stop caring about him. Care about me instead!"

The rest of their ride there was completely silent. Yoona was mad and Chan was annoyed by everything she was saying so it was probably for the best.

"Bye," Chan said and waited for her to get out of the car.

"Call me when you've had enough of being used by him." She said before slamming the door shut behind her.

Chan wasn't taking anything she said to heart. He was kind of annoyed that she said anything about it when it wasn't any of her business but it's not like he would ever have to talk to her again.

Chan could easily just drive back to his house, it would be easier to do so since his house was closer than what Felix's was but he wanted to talk to Jeongin tomorrow. He also wanted to make sure that he is okay since he was going to be experiencing his first hangover.

Once he got back to Felix's apartment he locked the door behind him when he walked in then quietly walked into the extra bedroom where Jeongin was still peacefully asleep.

He carefully lied back down next to Jeongin who surprised him by turning over and wrapping his arms back around him.

"Where did you go?" Jeongin mumbled, still half asleep.

"I had to drive Yoona home. You haven't been awake this whole time right?" Chan asked and Jeongin shook his head slightly in response.

"Goodnight Channie" Jeongin said before falling back asleep.

"Goodnight," Chan said although he could tell that he still wasn't going to be able to fall asleep.

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