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"Why are you so late?" Chinhae asked Jeongin as soon as he walked inside.

'Did he wait for me?'

"I wasn't paying attention to the time. I'm really sorry."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. I met some of their other friends and they were all really nice."

"I missed you" Chinhae responded and pulled Jeongin into a hug.

"Oh- I missed you too."

'This is weird. But this is what I wanted. He's being sweet again.'

"I'm tired, are you?" Chinhae asked and Jeongin just nodded his head, moving away from the hug so that he could put his phone which was almost dead onto the charger beside the couch.

"Innie, why are you still sleeping on the couch? Come sleep in the bed"

Jeongin turned around and looked at Chinhae

"Do you still hang out with that girl that answered your phone?"

"I'm still friends with her but I'm not gonna cheat on you again. I've been nice to you. Why would you think I would do that? I've been coming here after work."

"Sorry. I'm just paranoid. You suddenly started acting nice to me right after you admitted to cheating which is kinda strange but you're right. You have been coming here after work." Jeongin replied with a small smile.

"You wanted me to go back to how I was when we first started dating right? I'm just trying to earn your trust back."

"Okay" Jeongin agreed as he followed Chinhae into their room where they laid down next to each other.

"Hyung, are you still awake?" Jeongin asked after about 20 minutes of not being able to fall asleep.


"Can I go back to working at the coffee shop?"

"Jeongin go to sleep" Chinhae mumbled

"But it's just a simple yes or no question"

"I'm okay with you hanging out with your friends but I don't want you to go back to work. You have no reason to."

"I liked working at the cafe though"

"I'm tired Jeongin. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Chinhae said , sounding annoyed.

"Sorry" Jeongin apologized, knowing that he was getting on his nerves.

"I'm sorry too, I'm just tired" Chinhae explained as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin and pulled him closer, and gave him a quick kiss. "Goodnight."



Jeongin woke up first the next morning and noticed Chinhae still asleep with his arms still around his waist.

He stayed still for a while, debating on whether or not he should get up but then he heard what he thought was his phone buzz.

He got the phone from underneath a pillow and read... How is the bet going so far? You're probably losing your mind lol

'What bet?' Jeongin questioned until he read the unfamiliar contact name and realized that it was Chinhae's phone.

'What did he make a bet on? Is this why he's being so nice? No Jeongin, don't think so negatively. He's trying to fix things. Just like he said.'

Toxic/JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now