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"Remember that girl that Chan brought here the night that you got drunk?"

"Yeah, why?"

"So Chan may or not be at a cafe with her right now."

"Why?" Jeongin asked, confused. Why the heck would Chan go meet a girl that he brought as a date the day after he took Jeongin on a date? And why did Felix want Chan to go meet her?

"You see..." Seungmin started, "since you were dating Chinhae and Chan was desperately still in love with you even after he found that out, Felix decided to set him up with one of his friends who had a crush on him. Yoona said some rude stuff when she was drunk and she wanted to apologize so she texted Chan."

"Chan Hyung doesn't love me. We've only been on one date. Felix was just trying to help him which was nice of him but why the heck did Chan actually agree? And does Lixie not know that Chan and I are...kinda dating?"

"You are dating. Honestly don't completely blame Chan because Felix had to convince him to meet Yoona. Chan seemed kind of against it at first. And no, Felix doesn't know that your dating because if I were to tell him that you and Chinhae broke up he would ask me a bunch of questions and it's not my place to answer them."

"I'll see if he's free tomorrow so I can explain everything."

"Do you think that she could get Chan to like her back?" Jeongin asked after a few minutes, starting to feel slightly paranoid.

"Innie, there's no way Chan would ever do anything that Chinhae did. He cares about you a lot, he's just hearing her out. Nothing will happen and he'll probably tell you in detail exactly what they did and said if you ask."

"Yeah but Chinhae used to care about me too. I don't mean specifically because of Yoona or anything but what if Chan Hyung stars getting tired of me too. we did become close really quickly."

"I think you're overthinking it a little bit. If you're constantly gonna be paranoid that Chan is gonna end up like Chinhae then your just gonna stress yourself out."

"I hate my brain. I know that Chan is better than that. I don't know why I'm paranoid about it. Thank you, Minnie." Jeongin said as he gave Seungmin a quick hug. He quickly moved away.

Sorry for the late response

do you have work today?

Nope, why?

I miss you


Congrats you made
him blush- Seungmin

Aww I wish I could see

Then drive here


"Seungmin!" Jeongin said as he looked at the text signifying that Chan was now driving to the apartment.

"What? He said he misses you and you can ask him how things went with Yoona."

"Good points. I have to go put on actual clothes now though." Jeongin pouted as he stood up and walked into Seungmin's room to find clothes.

While he was getting ready, Seungmin's phone started blowing up.


"Minnie, do I look okay?" Jeongin asked as he walked back into the living room, wearing an oversized yellow hoodie with some jeans.

"Yeah but Jeongin-" Seungmin began to say but got cut off by someone knocking on the door.

Jeongin quickly went over to the door and opened it, "hi Channie Hyung" he said with a small smile.

"Hey Innie" Chan greeted as he placed a quick kiss on the youngers forehead as he walked in. "Hi Seungmin."

"Hey" Seungmin replied, paying more attention to whoever he was texting on his phone.

"How are you?" Jeongin asked, hoping that Chan would bring up meeting Yoona at the cafe without him having to ask about it.

"I had to meet Yoona at the cafe so she could apologize. I didn't want to but she texted Felix and told him that I said no then Felix convinced me to go." Chan explained as Jeongin let out a small sigh of relief.

"Did you forgive her?"

"I told her that I did but she seems really...two-faced. I would prefer to never have to see her again."

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Jeongin asked as he pulled Chan's hand and made him sit down next to him on the couch, Seungmin sitting on the other side of him aggressively typing on his phone.

"Sure, quick question though. Why haven't you told Felix about-"

Before Chan could finish his question the door opened and Felix walked in.

"I told you to not come." Seungmin sighed.

"Okay but all of you are acting sus, and I was lonely," Felix replied as he sat down on the couch in between Seungmin and Jeongin. "Why is Chan here?"

"Umm ouch?"

"That's not what I meant! But you said that you were already dating someone. Shouldn't you be hanging out with them?"

"Who said I wasn't?"

"Seungmin." Felix said seriously as he turned to his boyfriend, "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"Nope. Jeongin?" Seungmin asked, looking towards the youngest.

"Chinhae and I broke up. I was gonna tell you tomo-"

"Really?!" Felix asked, sounding a bit too excited about it. "I'm sorry but he didn't even know who Twice was low key rude- wait, are you okay? Do you need me to go beat him up?" he asked, pulling Jeongin into a hug.

"No. You do not need to beat him up. I'm okay Lix." Jeongin replied, hugging Felix back.

"Why did you guys break up?"

"Umm, can I tell you tomorrow instead? I don't wanna talk about it right now."

"Of course." Felix smiled, still not moving away from the hug but Felix cuddling with his friends was a normal thing. Seungmin was perfectly fine with it. Chan on the other hand was a tiny bit jealous.

"Why are you cuddling Jeongin when Seungmin is right next to you?" Chan asked him.

"He just went through a breakup dummy. Wait..."


"Chan said that he's dating someone. Jeongin just broke up with Chinhae... You guys are dating?!"

"Why did that take you so long?" Seungmin laughed softly at his boyfriend.

"Aww, cute. But I'm still not gonna stop cuddling him. Deal with it."

"How would you feel if I stole Seungmin from you though?" Chan questioned.

"Try. I dare you."

Chan looked over at Seungmin to see if he had any reaction.

"Touch me and I'll cut your hand off." Seungmin said and Chan rolled his eyes before looking back at the tv.

"Hyung are you for real jealous?" Jeongin asked, laughing as he moved his arms from around Felix and moved over to Chan, wrapping his arms around him and laying his head on his shoulder.

"I'm hurt," Felix said dramatically holding his hand over his heart.

"Stop being overdramatic" Seungmin said, pulling Felix closer to him. "You were the one who wanted them to date each other in the first place."

"True and they are really cute together."

I hate school.

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