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It was now Friday and Jeongin was panicking because of his "date" with Chan which was in an hour. His main problem was Chan calling a date but he decided that he would just explain to Chan that he couldn't date anyone once he got there.

He put on an oversized bright yellow hoodie with some washed out jeans then brushed his hair then sat down on the couch since he didn't need to leave for another twenty minutes.

He didn't tell Seungmin, Jisung, and Felix about the "date" because he didn't them (mainly Felix) to make a deal out of it when it was just going to end in Jeongin having to tell Chan that he doesn't like him in that way.

Little did he know, Chan had already told Felix about it but that's irrelevant for now.

Jeongin went on his phone until it was time to leave, then he put on some shoes and started walking to Chan's house.

The sun was setting as he walked there which made him think about how long he would be able to stay since Chinhae got home at 11 but maybe it was for the best that he didn't stay there for too long.

Once he got there he knocked on the door and Chan opened it a few seconds later.

"Hey cutie" Chan said as he let Jeongin into his house.

"Hi Channie Hyu-" Jeongin paused and looked at the living room which had a bunch of food on the table in the middle of it and the couch was covered in blankets "Woah."

"You said your ideal date was a movie and cuddles right?" Chan questioned and Jeongin nodded.

'How the heck am I supposed to tell him?' Jeongin asked himself as he pouted at the thought of having too.

"Is this too much?" Chan asked, noticing the Youngers facial expression.

"Huh? Oh n-no! It's really sweet of you. Thank you" Jeongin said with a small smile.

Chan grabbed Jeongin's hand and pulled him over to sit on the couch beside him.

"What's your favorite genre of movies?"

"You can choose" Jeongin said quietly. Already feeling guilty about making Chan go through the trouble of setting up everything.

"You sure?" Chan asked and Jeongin just nodded.

"Did you cook all of this?"

"Yeah I did. Hopefully it taste okay." Chan replied with a smile.

'Can I just leave now?' Jeongin wondered 'Leave now, block Chan, Problem solved. Only problem is that he doesn't freaking deserve that Jeongin.'

"It's really good" Jeongin said as he tried a bite of some of the food Chan made and smiled a bit at him

"Okay good. I was worried it wouldn't be since I barely ever cook anything"

"Where's Berry?" Jeongin asked but once he said his name she was already running into the living room and sat down on Jeongin's lap. "I'm stealing you for real this time." Jeongin said as he pet the dogs head softly.

"I'm not going to let you steal my dog."

"Why not?" Jeongin asked as he looked at Chan with a frown.

"Stop being cute. It's not gonna work."

"I'm not being cute. How is threatening to steal your dog cute?"

"I meant you pouting about it baby" Chan replied, the nickname causing Jeongin too blush.

Chan just smiled to himself before looking back at the tv and choosing a movie.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Jeongin noticed that Chan was looking at him.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No but you do realize when I said movie and cuddle I meant you and me and not you and Berry, right?"

"What if I meant me and Berry?" Jeongin asked jokingly.

"I never thought I would be jealous of my dog."

"I'm kidding Hyung, I'm sorry." He said as he carefully moved Berry off of his lap and on the couch next to him before he scooted closer to Chan and laid his head on Chan's shoulder.

He cuddles with Felix all the time so he didn't think it was a big deal that he did the same thing with Chan. No difference right? Other then the fact that his heart was pounding, everything else was the same.

Chan moved his arm around Jeongin and pulled him slightly closer to him as they continued watching the movie in silence.

At some point during the movie, Jeongin started feeling tired and ended up falling asleep on Chan's shoulder. Chan didn't notice until the movie was over when he said Jeongin's name and he didn't respond.

He wasn't sure if he should wake him up or just let him sleep but he wasn't sure what time he had to be home in order to avoid upsetting his parents so he decided to wake him up just in case.

"Innie" Chan said as he brushed some of Jeongin's hair out of his face.


"What time do you need to be home by?"

"Eleven" Jeongin mumbled as he rubbed his eyes "what time is it?"

"It's only nine thirty. You can go back to sleep if you want to. I just wanted to make sure you got home on time so we can go on another date soon." Chan explained

"Hyung, can I tell you something?" Jeongin asked as he moved away from Chan's shoulder slightly and made eye contact with Chan which somehow made him loose his thought process.

"Yeah, of course."

"I- umm..."

"Can I ask you something first?" Chan questioned and Jeongin just nodded but started panicking as Chan moved closer to him. "Can I kiss you?"

Jeongin was completely frozen. At the moment, he really wanted to say yes. But he couldn't because that would make him just as bad as Chinhae. He didn't want to cheat but at the same time he couldn't get himself to move away.

Chan started moving closer but stoped before their lips could touch and looked back up at Jeongin's eyes. Still waiting for a reply.

"I have a boyfriend" Jeongin said as he broke eye contact and quickly moved away.


"I'm really sorry Hyung. I should have told you sooner." Jeongin said as his eyes started tearing up due to the amount of guilt he felt. "I should go home now. I'm so so sorry."

"Wait Jeongin-" Chan started to say but he had already walked out of the house.

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