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^ Chan looks so tiny 🥺^

Jeongin woke up first the next morning and quickly remembered what all happened last night when he looked up slightly and saw Chan sleeping with his arms still wrapped around Jeongin's waist.

'Aww he's so cute' Jeongin thought to himself but then his brain drifted back to everything that happened yesterday.

He was starting to question if he made a mistake by stopping Chinhae. He didn't want to be a burden to Seungmin by suddenly moving in with him. He also was still convinced that he loved Chinhae but the more he really thought into it, maybe he didn't.

He definitely loved him when they first started dating but now it was like Chinhae was an entirely different person. The Chinhae that he started dating a year ago wouldn't have tried to force him into doing anything that he was uncomfortable with. Or make him quit his job. And definitely wouldn't cheat on him for anything in the world. But he did all of those things.

"Good morning Innie" he heard Chan say, suddenly pulling him out of his thoughts as he looked up slightly and smiled softly at him.

"Morning Hyung."

"Ughh, I don't wanna get up. Ever." Chan sighed as he pulled Jeongin even closer to him.

"I don't either" Jeongin laughed a bit "what time is your date?"

"Never." Chan replied, earning a slight glare from Jeongin. "What?"

"You're not canceling your plans because of me."

"I don't wanna go though, I would be canceling them for myself."

"No" Jeongin said before moving slightly so he could grab his phone. His eyes widened when he saw that there were 100+ messages from his group chat with Felix, Seungmin, and Jisung, almost 20 miscalls from Seungmin, and several more from both Jisung and Felix. "I guess calling people at two in the morning scared them...oops"

"I mean- if you didn't come here something bad could have happened."

"Yeah, I guess so" Jeongin replied before texting on the group chat.

I'm not dead

I'm at Chan Hyung's house

I didn't mean to scare you guys

Why did you try calling us at 2 am?

Did something happen?

You're at Chan's?


Why was I the only one
you didn't call?

I was the only one actually
awake dummy 😔

My phone died right
when I tried to call you

So I walked to Chan's house

Did something happen
with your parents?

I'll explain when I see you

It still wouldn't be a
problem if I stayed at your
apartment for a few months

No ofc not

Wait what the heck

I wanna live there too ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

Not yet

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