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-not proofread-

Jeongin didn't feel like calling Seungmin or anyone else to take him back to Seungmin's. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to go there at all but he didn't really have any other choice. Walking took was longer than he would have thought and he was kind of disappointed that he didn't get any message from Chan within the hour that he was walking.

But then again, Chan was right. Jeongin just didn't think he would mind that he was being so clingy due to the number of times Chan had promised that he was never annoying. 'At least he kept his promise about telling me when he gets tired of me' he thought to himself with a small pout on his face.

Once he finally got to Seungmin's he opened the door to see Seungmin and Felix sitting on the couch and watching a movie together so he immediately sat down next to Felix and wrapped his arms around him, knowing that Seungmin didn't mind.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked as Seungmin paused the movie that they were watching and looked at Jeongin with concerned eyes.

"Nothing I just wanted a hug."

"Did Chan drive you here?" Seungmin questioned and Jeongin shook his head no before mumbling "I walked here"

"Does Chan know you're here?" Felix asked as Jeongin just nodded.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" before Jeongin could respond his phone started ringing so he took it out of his pocket and pressed the ignore button as soon as he saw that it was Chan. Even if he was going to apologize, Jeongin most likely wasn't going to believe him and didn't want to take the risk of crying in front of his friends.

Felix had seen him ignore Chan's phone call but he took the hint that he didn't want to talk about it and he wasn't crying or anything so maybe it wasn't that big of a deal.


Jeongin I'm so sorry

I didn't mean that

I've just been trying to get something done and it was difficult to do with you there

I shouldn't have said that though

Please respond

I'm so so sorry

I love you

Jeongin laid his phone face down on the table, not wanting to read any more of it right now since he could already feel tears in his eyes. He wanted to respond really badly but when Chan said that it reminded him so much of Chinhae and he was scared too.

"I should just move back in with Chinhae," Jeongin mumbled, forgetting that his friends were right next to him.

"Why the heck would you do that?" Seungmin asked.

"I wouldn't." Jeongin quickly responded once he realized that he had said that out loud.

"I'm guessing that it's Chan who's blowing up your phone right now..." Felix trailed off looking at Jeongin's phone which was still vibrating from constant calls or texts. Felix pulled Jeongin in for another hug before speaking again, "You know you don't want to go back to Chinhae Innie. You don't deserve that and Chinhae doesn't deserve you. I'm sure you and Chan will fix whatever happened soon."

"I've never seen you take something so seriously before," Seungmin said to Felix.

"What do you mean? I handle Twice comebacks extremely seriously too- wait it's not the time for this." he sighed.

"I'm annoying though" Jeongin mumbled to himself, earning the other two's attention again.

"No, you aren't. Everyone loves hanging out with you." Seungmin reassured.

"Channie said that I was annoying though and I don't want to annoy him or you guys. I shouldn't have stayed at Chan's house for so long. I was being too clingy. And now I just barged in on your guys' date and I- I should just leave."

Jeongin tried to get up to leave but Felix pulled him closer so that he couldn't. Jeongin wasn't sure how he had managed not to cry through saying all of that but somehow he did.

"I don't know where you are planning on going to but you aren't leaving."

"Did Chan really say that?" Seungmin questioned as Jeongin nodded his head. He wanted to leave Seungmin's apartment. He regretted going there and letting them know that something was wrong because now he felt like he was just even more annoying.

Neither Felix nor Seungmin were quite sure what to say to comfort him at the moment. That definitely didn't sound like something Chan would have said to Jeongin. Not that they didn't believe him, they were just shocked and felt horrible for Jeongin even though they both doubted that Chan meant it considering that Jeongin's phone still hasn't stopped buzzing.

But even if Chan didn't mean it, he still said it and there was no way to take it back now. The words were stuck in Jeongin's head and they weren't just Chinhae's words anymore. They were Chan's too.

"Hey, do you wanna go get ice cream?" Felix asked, not liking the sad silence that was filling the room, "maybe it will make you feel better."

"I'm kinda tired," Jeongin replied, "thanks for offering but I'm gonna go sleep for a bit."

Before either of them could say another word Jeongin stood up and walked into his room, not even bothering to bring his phone with him as he did.

He laid down on his bed with a sigh. He wasn't really tired in the way that made him want to sleep. He was more so mentally exhausted from overthinking.

'Chinhae wants me back there for whatever reason... going back to him would mean that I wouldn't have to bother Chan or Seungmin anymore. Wouldn't that be the simple way to fix everything?' Jeongin thought to himself.

i think i forgot how to write during the month that i didn't update :((

anyways. what do you think Chan had to talk to Minho about?

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