-Chapter 35- Train

Start from the beginning

"Just sit Draco."- I pulled his robe.

"So do you guys wanna play truth an-"

"No."- We said cutting him off.

"Truth or truth."- He finished.

"That's literally just truth."- I said.

"Since you two don't want to do dares."- He said raising his eyebrow.

"Fine."- Louis said.

"Okay Y'n what did you smell in amortentia in 4th year?"- Draco asked.

"I don't remember."- I said.

"Your lying."- He said.

"I am not."- I said.

"Fine what dis you smell in amortentia when I opened it in the common room?"- He asked.

"I didn't even notice you opened it."- I said.

"You are so lying."- He said.

"Anyways, Draco ask me."- Louis said.

"Hello guys!"- Hermione came opening the dorm. "Oh, Malfoy."

"Hi Hermione."- I said. "Wanna play with us?"

"I would, but Malfoy is here."- She said.

"I didn't even do anything to you."- Draco said with a confused look.

"First year when you called me mudblood."- She said.

"Okay once."- He said.

"Just sit down he won't eat you."- Louis said.

Hermione sat next to Louis and we continued playing.

"I ask Hermione."- I said. "Do you like Ron?"

"What? No!"- She said shocked.

"Liar."- Louis said.

"I do not!"- She said. "Besides at least I didn't kiss him!"

"Targeting us again."- I said.

"Maybe."- She said.

"Okay I ask Louis."- Draco said. "Would you kiss Angelina?"

"No."- Louis said straight away.

"Even if your drunk?"- He said.

"Nope."- Louis said.

"And you would kiss Y'n when your drunk?"- He asked.

"Angelina is an idiot and it was your fault about that whole kissing scene."- Louis said.

"I will have a break from you bringing it up every day."- I said.

"Fred and George said they will come here too."- Hermione said.

"When?"- I asked.

"I can hear them coming."- Draco said.

"If they ask you didn't see me."- I said getting up.

"Same for me."- Louis said getting up.

"Do not leave me with Malfoy here!"- Hermione said as we stood on doors.

"You will be fine."- I said. "Draco don't kill her."

Me and Louis were walking though skinny halls and laughing. We saw shadow of Fred and George.

"Wait."- I said pulling him in a room.

"What is this a horror?"- Louis asked.

"Shush."- I said.

They passed the window and we walked out of room.

"We saw you two!"- George yelled.

"No you didn't!"- I yelled back as we ran in the bathroom.

We ran in the bathroom and second later Fred and George came in the bathroom.

"Come here."- Louis said pulling me.

"Why on earth do they have showers in here."- I said.

"Shush."- He said placing his finger on my lips. "This is Hogwarts train what do you expect?"

We were in a small shower waiting for Fred and George to leave. They searched the bathroom for a little, but luckily didn't find us.

"Do you think these work?"- Louis said.

"No Louis it stands there for decoration you know?"- I said sarcastically.

"Let me try."- He said pushing the button. The water came out of shower real quick. I backed off fast while Louis was standing there splashed with water.

"Oh you are not getting out."- He said chasing me around the room soaking wet.

"No,no,no,no!"- I said laughing and running around the water. I was running around circles and slipped.

"You like hugs don't you?"- He said.

"Not right now."- I said.

"Too bad."- He said hugging me soaking wet.

"I hate you."- I said.

"You suffer with me."- He said.

"You had to do this."- I said looking pissed but laughed after.

"Two can play a game."- He said.

We spent 2 hours drying ourselves.

"Are you cold?"- He asked me while we got our of bathroom.

"Not that much."- I said.

"Here."- He said giving me his jacket.

I put his jacket on and we sat in room again. Half an hour later we arrived at our platform.
We got off the train and waved goodbye to each other. I didn't see Hermione, so I guess Draco killed her. He wouldn't. Right?

"Louis your jack-"- I said turning around, but Louis was nowhere to be seen. "Great."

Christmas break has officially started.

IM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING JUST NOW THE WHOLE DAY. I had a horrible day today, so I just layed the whole day.

And please tell me if you have any ideas for Christmas break!!!

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