The Box

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Yami. It’s really dark outside; it’s late. Are you just going to lie there with Yugi beside you and think or are you going to talk to him?

I’d rather you didn’t talk to me like a friend.

I am you. I can talk to you how I wish.

Shut up already.


That was how my mind was occupied for the last few hours. After Yugi and I had talked quietly about everything had happened, we just ... sort of lay there.

One thing that was still on our minds though was the cage. I don’t remember ever having a cage, so how the hell was it here, in our room, and how did we get in it?

Yugi had probably thought I fell asleep an hour ago. To be honest, I don’t remember the past silent hours. I could have fallen asleep, but I have no recollection of doing so. Even so, I didn’t remember much from what happened, so anything could have went on.

I heard a soft whimper from beside me and looked over at Yugi. He was looking at his arm and the cut on it. It seemed...bigger than before...

“Yugi...?” I murmured.

He instantly stopped looking at his arm, “Y-Yami...”

“...I know I asked before...but this time I’ll try again...” I slowly turned on my side to face him, “ did the cut in your arm happen...? Did you do it? Or was it me?”

He looked unsure about how to answer. He even looked as if he was thinking about it...why did he have to think of an answer for something so simple?


“Yugi.” I made my voice stern, because I had to. It was the only way to get a sure answer out of him.

“I didn’t mean to do it...” He suddenly said.

“So you did do it?”


“...What did I do, Yugi?”

He looked away from me and took a deep breath, “...You gave me the razor.”

“...I...I gave you the razor...?”

Yugi gave a brief nod and I almost ran away from him. Ultimately, no matter how you look at it, I was the one that made him do it. I practically handed him his own weapon to destruction.

“I’m so sorry...” I sat up and held my head. I couldn’t handle this...not now...

It’s your fault. It happened because of you. You wounded your precious Yugi.

I know...I did it...I made him hurt himself...

Whatever will you do, Yami?

I...I don’t know...I don’t know...!

Yugi got up and shuffled closer to me. “Yami...?”

Maybe you should just leave me up to it. I could help...

You’ve done enough already! It was all because of you that this happened anyway!

But don’t want Yugi to leave you, right? I can help...

Just go back to the corners of my mind where you didn’t exist! Shut up! Go away! AWAY!

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