Relief And Fears

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It felt utterly useless to argue with him. Joey was intent on dialling that all too dreaded number, and I was getting more desperate with each passing second. 

"Joey...put the phone don't know the whole story!"

"He almost killed Tea!" He exclaimed, "Yugi, you're gonna let him go?!"

"Yes!" Yugi shouted, slowly making his way over to Joey.

I saw something very important in this argument.

As Yugi edged closer to Joey, his tone changed. He seemed very protective and willing to keep me here with him, not at all what he is usually like. It seemed that Joey didn't pick up on this, and Yugi was getting more aggressive. 

I quickly pulled Yugi back, holding him close and whispering in his ear, "Yugi...stop..."

"B-But Ya-!"

"If he calls the police be it..."

"Yami..." Yugi's gaze softened, turning back to Joey who was staring intently at me. Almost as if he was glaring.

I smiled softly at Yugi, petting his head and nodding, "It's okay...what happens, happens."

Joey suddenly flipped his phone down, his gaze averted to the ground. I looked at him, suddenly confused. 


"...If you explain everything..." He shot a glare at me, "I will not call the police."

I gulped, a small bubble of nervousness expanding in my stomach. "Fine by me."


"That's what happened?" 

I nodded. 

I had told Joey everything whilst keeping Yugi close to me. Yugi seemed distressed from the whole situation, and Joey was only gripping the surface of what I had told him. It was a lot to process after realising I had almost murdered Tea. 

 "'t know what really happened to you?"

I shook my head. Joey was still confirming what I had told him, though I was a bit peeved that he kept asking the same sort of things. 

"Oh...I see..." He finally finished. 

I still couldn't believe that Joey hadn't called the police. My heart was still pounding with fear in case he changed his mind, but I doubted it. He could see that Yugi was clearly upset with the whole ordeal, and being his friend, I hoped Joey didn't want to put him through much more. 

"I'm sorry, Joey..." I frowned. "I didn't mean for any of it to happen. I just got rid of anything...that I thought was a threat."

"It's okay...I mean, if Yugi accepts it..." I could feel Yugi tense beside me, "I guess I can..."

I nodded slowly, "Thank you..."

It was quite a long silence spent between the three of us before Joey eventually coughed, "Uh, anyway, I came to tell you about Tea."

Yugi's head instantly snapped up to look at him. "How is she?"

 I looked solely at Yugi as Joey told him what was happening with his friend. I watched his reactions, and I watched how he lit up when it was good news. I smiled a little. 

I wasn't smiling at Tea's wellbeing, which I should have been. I was smiling that Yugi was happy. Something I did previously turned out to be good, it turned out to be fine. Tea was going to be fine, and that means Yugi will be happy. 

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