Finale - Acceptance

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First off I'd like to apologise for my rookie mistake last time - I don't know why I switched to third person perspective, but it has been fixed now, don't worry. 


Guys. It's happening. The final part of Yandere Boyfriend - IT'S HAPPENING.

I didn't think I'd actually finish this story so soon...but it's been a really good run, hasn't it? I mean, come on, this story is of my best. Ever. I think so, anyway. 

Well, the ending to this might not be what everyone is accepting. I've had this ending in my mind for a while and it's time to bring it to life. Booya. 

I'll talk a bit later. Let's get right to it.

--- Kiwikida ---


It had been...let me think, around a few weeks now. Yugi had been admitted back to me - back home - from the hospital. I was overjoyed. 

Joey was there, too. Along with Téa. In fact, the whole gang was there, and it was the first time in a while that I had even heard from them. But it was that night that Yugi admitted something to me, when everyone had gone home, and it had stuck with me ever since.

"Yami..." He had mumbled, as we were sitting on the couch. (I should take this time to add - we replaced the damaged items in our home, and cleaned things that were covered in soot.)

"Hm?" I looked at him, and he seemed nervous. 

"I have to tell you something. Just let me talk, okay?" I nodded as he continued, "I realised that...our lives, they've both been pretty messed up so far..."

I couldn't argue with that.

"And...we're really, really...going through some harsh wanted to say something to kind of...give you some hope?"

I stared at him, and then he opened his mouth to talk. The words that came out of his mouth couldn't make me happier.

~Present Day~

I closed the book over. Finally, I had vented all of my thoughts and feelings into this one little diary. Just a few hand-written words really makes me feel a lot better. 

I smiled at the book and got up, turning around. Everyone had left. Yugi had thrown me a surprise party for my birthday, and it was now late in the evening. I really did love all he did for me. 

"Yugi?" I asked, walking down to the living room until finally stumbling upon a ball in the corner of the couch, curled up and snoring quietly. Oh, Yugi...

I let out an understanding sigh, gently plopping beside my small bundle and stroking his head gently. My 'overprotective complex' still hadn't left. Did I care? No. Of course not. Yugi was happy to compromise with it...and I was happy to compromise with his.

He slowly opened his eyes at my touch, and gave me a warm smile.

"Yami~!" He grinned, jumping up and hugging me tightly. His arms wrapped around me in a tight grip, one a child would give to their parents.

"Yugi...I really enjoyed the party..." I mumbled, continuing my small strokes with my hand on his head. He just smiled wider at me.

"Really? I spent ages planning it...I was really mad when Joey took you for a bit, though..."

"I could practically feel the envy coming off of you~" I joked.

"We need to clean up now..." He mumbled, looking at the mess.

It seemed everyone hadn't left in a tidy manner. For starters, there were banners everywhere. Silly string cans lay empty on the floor and the string was somewhere around the room - I just couldn't see where. On top of that, bits of crisps* lay on the floor. I frowned and let out a small sigh, because I could see there was also a juice stain on the did that even get there?

Yugi was just smiling at me. Did he really expect me to clean?

I faked a yawn, but he wasn't buying it. I pouted at him, " about we clean tomorrow? I can't be bothered...and it's really late, too..."

"Hey, Yami...we could know...'sleep'."

"That, Yugi, sounds like an excellent idea."

And so we both got up; Yugi giggling as we went. I think he was excited...after all, this was a very happy day. A day of celebration...and presents. Don't forget those.

"You didn't think I was just getting you that diary, did you?"

I shrugged, "Anything from you is fi-"

"Don't be so humble, Yami! I have another gift for you, too..."

I blinked. I thought Yugi really meant sleep...was this...?

I wasn't wrong. As soon as we got to the bedroom...things started to happen.


Sorry...did I not mention what Yugi said to me that night, when he admitted something to me? I thought I had. 

He said...

"We're both crazy. So that means...we're both overprotective...and...we're both really insane. We're insane lovers."

But at the time, I just thought of us as Yandere Boyfriends.


AND THAT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IS THE END!'s over...finally...*Sniffle*...Over...

*Starts crying* WAAAAAAH!

-5 minutes later-

*Composes self* Okay...I'm fine...I'm okay.

Well that happened...the end...I liked the end. Sorry if it was too short but hey, you loyal un-robotic-people won't kill me for it, will you? *Winks*

So...if there's any suggestions on what kind of story I could write next, I'd like that. You see, I don't really know what to write right now. If I should write more Yu-Gi-Oh! or take a break for a while. 

You can decide!

I hope you enjoyed Yandere Boyfriend.

I did...I really did.

--- Kiwikida ---

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