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It's been so long. So long...so long...*Echoes into the distance*

At least I'm still continuing the story~ I hope you can forgive me for the gaps in updating. School's a b!tch; that we can all happily agree on.


So let's get this party started in here bruva...Also I'm adding in a new person from the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom. Just...just cause I can.

—- Kiwikida —-


I had wished that I asked Yugi to define what he actually meant by 'fine' that morning. 

It was a cold day, the sun had been around for more than we could have wished for anyway. It was also the day of our appointment, and I was scared. I was really scared.

Yugi, however, seemed completely normal. And he reassured me that everything would turn out okay. What does that mean, exactly? For things to become okay, what were they before?

In the waiting room, my eyes scanned the area. It was such a blank space, and hopefully the room Yugi and I would be entering shortly would be a lot more...artistic.

The only real furniture in the room was the chairs for people to sit on, and the desk. Then again, I hardly expected this of a room for therapy.

Yugi, however, smiled his whole way through it. He was even planning what he'd be doing after it.

I was sceptical. This whole ordeal seemed too good to be true, and it was very cheap. My mind was telling me not to go through with this, but this is what Yugi wanted. I promised to go with him at any costs.

Then we were brought into the room. I'm not going to say it was anything extravagant, because it was just as bland as the waiting room. The only thing that showed any significance were a few pictures hung on the wall, and the carpet was a calming shade of blue. The walls were somewhat minty.

"Take a seat, boys..." The girl spoke. She seemed to know what she was doing, but I was still sceptical.

She had long blonde hair, and her eyes were a delightful shade of brown. Yugi seemed to feel calmer around her, and I was calm in this room. Something was still off.

"You boys are here for therapy...am I correct?"

Yugi gave a slight nod, "Yeah..."

"Alright. Let's start with introductions...You are?" She pointed her pen at us, all the while giving a small, pleasant look.

"I'm Yugi...And this is Yami..." I didn't feel like speaking. "Who are you?"

"My name's Mai, dear," Her smiling at Yugi suddenly made me feel angry, "So have either of you been in this place before?"

"No." I answered coldly.

She didn't seem to pick up on this, though, "Alright. For the first few sessions we're just going to talk about our goals...what's your problems; getting to know yourselves...is that all okay?"

I watched as Yugi nodded again, "Yeah..."

"What goals do you want to set?"

Mai seemed to have a very serene presence about her. It was one of the few things that made me hate her a little bit more. I suppressed these feelings for a while and let Yugi explain.

"...We're stressed at the moment...." Yugi gave me a wavering look, and I held his hand.

I'm here for him. Not to hate the therapist. I'm here for him... I quickly reminded myself, giving my other a small smile.

"So what's your goal?"

"...To help ease the stress...if that's possible..."

"Of course it is, dear..." I'm here for him. I'm here... for him. "We'll just have to work on that, get to the bottom of the problem and see where it goes from there, okay?"

This time, I nodded. I didn't want to feel like a mannequin, just there for show. Mai suddenly smiled at me and I felt Yugi's grip on my hand tighten.

What's he thinking?

"And you're here for the same problem?"


"Alright..." She wrote down some things. It was then I realised her desk was stacked with papers, and she was using some sort of lined paper I hadn't seen before to take notes.

It almost seemed unreal. The session was over before I could even utter a full sentence. I quietly exited the room, and my hand was still tightly bound with Yugi's. He didn't seem to want to let go.

Something was wrong with him. I knew this wasn't going to be fine.


He didn't perk up or look at me.

"Yugi..." I urged, nudging his shoulder.


"...Yugi...! Yugi! Listen to me!"

He jumped slightly, looking at me. He looked completely the same but he seemed...odd. A lot more different than before.

He gripped my hand tighter, shuffling closer to me. Something was off.


"...Call me...Yuu..." Yugi mumbled under his breath.


It hit me like someone had thrown a brick in my face.

The voices in his head, the dark forces around him...they had finally found their way into his body, into his mind.

He had multiple people inside of him. Not just him. Multiple.

I gulped slightly, holding his hand and giving a small nod as he spoke again, "Yeah...Yuu...I'm kinda...shy..."

"That's fine, Yuu," I gave him a smile and pet his head, to which he shuffled closer to me, "I'll keep you safe."

Hahaha...yes, yes you will, Yami. Yugi and Yuu...I wonder if there are any others in there apart from Yuu? Maybe you should have your precious Yugi tested.

Shut the hell up! I frowned internally, I don't need your voice right now.

I could feel Yug-...Yuu, shuffle close to me again.

"Let's go home, okay, Yuu?"

He nodded, and I slowly and carefully lead him home. I didn't know what else I could do. There was nothing else I could do, was there? I could only deal with it, as could Yugi...or whoever he was.

This suddenly made me feel extremely protective. I frowned. I didn't want to be this protective over him, I didn't want to kill people again and yet...I found a hidden desire inside of me to do so.

A wicked grin planted itself on my face as I gripped Yuu's hand tightly, walking around the corner to the house. I honestly didn't know what I was thinking at the time.

I opened the door and slowly walked in, Yuu shuffling behind me. I closed the door and then lead him away into the bedroom.

"You should go to sleep, Yuu..." I coaxed.

"But...I wanna...s-stay with...y-you..."

I had to admit, this 'Yuu' inside of Yugi was adorable. But it wasn't Yugi. I had to get it away somehow.

"I'll sleep with you, okay?"

Yuu nodded shyly as I picked him up and lay on the bed with him. It was surprisingly easy to get him to sleep.

When he woke up, I only hoped it was Yugi I was greeted with.

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