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The summer holidays have FINALLY started, thank God for that. Now I can actually at least try to write something worthy of you fine, (hopefully) human people!

I think this story is going to end soon. Only a few parts left until the secret of the plot is revealed!

No, it hasn't all been randomized shizzle...though it does seem like it...I mean, even I myself have doubted the actual goodness of this's probably pretty bad xD

Well, without further delay...let's get on with it!

--- Kura-chan---


When I awoke, I was confronted with a somewhat smoky vision. Quickly I shot up, remembering that the toaster was left on...

Instinctively I ran to the kitchen, coughing as I went as the smoke was getting heavier...there wasn't exactly a fire, per say, but there would have been one if I hadn't woken up in time and turned off the electrical appliances.

The fire alarm had already gone off, and was buzzing in my ears. Despite my coughing fit, I moved onward and opened the windows I could find, hanging my head out one of them.

But then I realised, in my attempt to breathe, I had left Yugi.

So I took a deep breath and went back for him. It was then that I realised that I didn't need to. Yugi was right there.

Or rather, the defiant glare of Yuyu.

But I didn't have time to be bothered with the hot-tempered impersonator, what I did was grab his arm instead of talking to him and then realised something...I had to kill these people, right? Maybe...actually killing them...was the plan?

Then there was the consequence of my decision. If I was wrong, I would lose Yugi forever. I didn't want to lose him. I can't even bear the thought. It only took me a second to realise that what I had to do was apparent.

I took Yuyu's arm and pushed him back into the living room. With a gulp, I closed the kitchen door and locked it, staying away from the bottled up smoke and breathing by placing my head out of the window yet again.

Yami...I didn't think you would do such a thing to your little one. was the only thing I could do. I defended, still spluttering up the harsh smoke in his lungs and almost vomiting out his insides. Yugi told me to do it...he told me to destroy his other beings...maybe, maybe this is the way.

Maybe. But you don't know for sure - you may have just killed him.

No. I didn't. You're wrong, he's alive in there, and he's going to be okay.

If you're sure~

The problem was, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure if Yugi was going to be okay, and I wasn't sure if he was killing Yugi's personalities over and over again would ultimately kill him, too. I had to try, though, didn't I?

Eventually the fire brigade came. The fire alarm had alerted them, and I didn't know what to say. I would have to claim that I couldn't reach my partner because the door was locked and I was too weak to bust it in.

Yes, that plan would do...I just hoped they believed me.

The brigade bust in the front door, and instantly started searching the house. I coughed loudly, but couldn't find the voice in him to shout.

Yami...go to

Not you again! No, you can't control my body now, I'll die!

You won't die. Trust me. It's for the best if you don't see him.

My mind went blank.

~Dream World~

I groaned, opening my eyes to pitch blackness. Again. I was getting tired of waking up to this dream state, and yet...I needed to see Yugi. I knew he would be here. Maybe it was a good thing that the voice put me to rest; took me here.

I tried to move, but found myself bound by something. When I looked at my body, I was locked into some sort of blackness.

I let out a small growl, but nothing happened.

"Yami? Are you here with me?"


I tried to move my head to see where Yugi was, but to no avail. I couldn't move it that far, and I was bound to the wall; I couldn't see him.

"I'll find you, Yami. You're stuck, right? The voice is punishing you - you figured out how to kill of those others without much thinking..."

"So I'm being punished...I see..."

"Yeah." Yugi's voice got closer. "The voice wanted you to stay clueless for a bit, but you're obviously smarter than some voice. I knew you'd figure it out."

I then saw him. He was making his way, slowly, calmly. As if nothing scared him any more. I was happy that nothing scared him.

"Yugi...I can see you!"

"Yami, you're fading! Damn it, Yami! Stay asleep!"

I didn't know what he was on about.

~Real World~

"Hello? Are you alright? Wake up!"

I woke up with a start. I was covered in smoke, and smelled like it too. I looked at the fireman in front of me, and the man smiled.

"You're okay, that's good... Your friend over there isn't as good. I had to let you know, he needs to go to Hospital to be checked over."

My eyes widened and I instantly shot up from where I was sat, looking for Yugi. Was he alive? Was he in danger?

I didn't have the voice to ask, but I was answered.

"Don't worry - he's alive, we got him out in time before he choked on the smoke and suffocated due to the lack of'll be able to go with him."

I didn't need to ask where to go as I was pointed in the direction of Yugi.

I instantly ran (more like fast-paced-walked) over to the ambulance. I couldn't believe what he saw.

Yugi was pretty much all black. No speck of his skin colour on him - the smoke had tainted him. The way he breathed made me feel it was difficult for him to do so, and his eyes were scrunched up in some sort of pain - probably from the dream world.

I took a deep breath and had to contain myself. I did this to him.

I hurt my aibou.

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